adhesion of tendon肌腱粘连 slipped tendon雏鸡锰缺乏症,肌腱滑脱 tendon and muscle壮筋骨 tendon introducer肌腱导入器 相似单词 hamstringn. 1.【解】肌腱 2.大肌腱;后腿腱 v.[T] 1.使跛腿 2.使陷于瘫痪;使不起作用;使受挫 tendonn. 腱 tendon fixation肌腱固定术 ...
腘绳肌(hamstring tendon),就是大腿后侧的肌群,包括半腱肌、半膜肌、股二头肌,腘绳肌与强有力的股四头肌相对应。股二头肌长头,半腱肌,半膜肌起于坐骨结节,股二头肌短头起于股骨粗线。股二头肌长头和短头止于胫骨外面于腓骨,半腱肌,半膜肌止于胫骨内侧髁。股二头肌长头,半腱肌,半膜肌收缩动作是...
hamstring tendon 英文hamstring tendon 中文【医】 ё腱
hamstringtendon-oneofthetendonsatthebackoftheknee hamstring sinew,tendon- acordorbandofinelastictissueconnectingamusclewithitsbonyattachment BasedonWordNet3.0,Farlexclipartcollection.©2003-2012PrincetonUniversity,FarlexInc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this...
...)(B)腓骨头(fibular head)(C)股后侧肌群之肌腱(hamstring tendons)(D)…|基于1 个网页 2. 腘绳肌腱 腘绳肌肌... ... ) hamstring tendon 腘绳肌肌腱 ) hamstring tendons 腘绳肌腱 ) Quadruple hamstring tendons knot 腘绳肌腱结 ...|基于1 个网页©...
hamstring tendon - one of the tendons at the back of the knee hamstring sinew, tendon - a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.Want...
One of the tendons bounding the popliteal space on either side; themedial hamstringcomprises the tendons of the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius muscles; thelateral hamstringis the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle. Hamstring muscles (a) have origin from the ischial tuberos...
3) hamstring tendon 腘绳肌腱 1. Arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament with four-strandedhamstring tendonautograft and absorbable interference screw fixation; 关节镜下自体四股腘绳肌腱和可吸收界面螺钉固定重建前交叉韧带 2. Arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament with four ...
2) hamstring tendon 腘绳肌腱 1. Arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament with four-strandedhamstring tendonautograft and absorbable interference screw fixation; 关节镜下自体四股腘绳肌腱和可吸收界面螺钉固定重建前交叉韧带 2. Arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament with four ...