Hamsters were forced to enter one arm of a T-maze on four succesive runs by means of either a grey door of the same brightness as the rest of the apparatus or by a black or white door. During four successive free choices the subjects entered the previously blocked arm significantly more...
in virgin juveniles.When placed in a confined space with receptive females, consummatorybehavior in subjugated juveniles was similar to those observed in naive juveniles.Appetitive aspects of sexual behavior were also tested in a Y-maze to allowsubjects to choose whether to approach a social stimulus...
2004: Effects of nicotine on elevated plus maze and locomotor activity in male and female adolescent and adult rats Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 77(1): 21-28 Morales-Dionisio, O.; Cruz, F.d.l.; Franco-Colín, M.; Hidalgo-Alegría, O.; Flores, G.; Luna-Muñoz, J.; ...
mazetestoranopenfieldtest.Inaseparate experiment,weadministered8-OH-DPATpriorto3,5-minutesocialdefeatsandlaterremovedthebrainsfor Arcimmunohistochemistry.SocialdefeatincreasedthenumberofArcimmunopositivecellsinthecentralamyg- dala(CeA),prelimbiccortex(PL),andBLA,and8-OH-DPATtreatmentreducedArcimmunoreactivityin...
twosetsofexperiments,adolescentAAS-treatedhamstersweretestedforanxiety21days afterthecessationofAASadministration(i.e.,duringAASwithdrawal)usingtheelevatedplusmaze(EPM), dark/light(DL),andseedfinding(SF)testsandthenexaminedfordifferencesin5HTafferentinnervationto selectareasofthebrainimportantforanxiety.IntheEP...
Social context testing was conducted in a Y-maze while the non-social context apparatus consisted of an open field arena and a lat-maze. In the Y-maze, subjects were exposed to an unfamiliar aggressive adult hamster. Compared with non-subjugated controls, subjugated juveniles spent significantly ...