Hamster Kombat代币:另一款基于Telegram的游戏,与Notcoin的方法非常相似,Hamster Kompat,周五宣布将在开放网络上推出自己的代币。目前还没有确定推出或计划向玩家空投的时间表。 虽然Hamster Kombat是围绕着同样的点击赚取前提构建的,但它的主题是让玩家负责加密货币交易所,让你随着时间的推移通过投资升级、营销等来发展你...
根据Hamster Kombat空投活动的高峰,Toncoin费用达到了历史最高水平。根据代币终端的数据,Toncoin链在9月26日空投当天获得了超过36.4万美元的日费用。除了,Toncoin连锁店也在吸收Catizen(CATI)空投和该资产交易第一周的炒作 ; Toncoin的费用无法可靠预测,即使在活动相对较高的日子里,费用也往往保持较低水平。最终目标...
Hamster Kombat’s Telegram subscribers fell sharply in October, as did its token price and player interest in the game.
Hamster Kombat token price plunges on exchange debut Sep 26, 2024 byHelen Partz Amid Hamster Kombat officially listing on exchanges such as Binance and HashKey, the HMSTR token has been plummeting. 12889 News TON blockchain validators prepare for Hamster Kombat coin minting ...
As more exchanges launch pre-market trading for Hamster Kombat and an investor frenzy erupts around HMSTR, capital could start to flow into other smaller play-to-earn tokens that are gearing up for launch. Among analyst favorites are the Tamagotchi remake and Dogecoin derivativePlayDoge (PLAY)...
Hamster Kombat's HMSTR token plummets after launch. X Empire, with 45M users, watches closely as it prepares for its own token debut.
今天再聊一款即将在七月TGE「Token Generation Event」的TON生态链游——Hamster Kombat. 因为玩法相似,加了更丰富的玩法且用户规模更大,被媒体广泛称为升级版Notcoin. 1)所在生态:TON 2)所处赛道 :GameFi 3)用户规模: 1亿用户日活3000万,650万用户同时在线Twitter: 680万 followersTelegarm announcement channel:...
Hamster Kombat是一个小程序游戏 目前Hamster Kombat 的空投任务是连接TON Wallet,看来TON 生态 APP 都指向TON Wallet的推广和普及。 现在看项目方在YouTube上每天都在做Hamster Academy和 Hamster News,用来科普区块链等内容。 希望借着如此强大的用户规模和广泛的社区影响力,推动区块链技术的普及和大规模采用。
Unlike traditional games, crypto games promise rewards to players. That explains why they have become popular among gamers in recent months. Hamster Kombat is among the crypto-powered games that have made headlines in 2024.
to get big profits. Given the success of the first stage and the demand generating early interest, RXS’s price may readily rise to $0.18 or more when it is formally listed on big exchanges. This gives early investors a 6x profit possibility even before the coin reaches its best potential...