Hammer Throw(链球运动)是一项田径项目,其目标是将带有链条的球(链球)尽可能远地投掷出去。以下是对该项目的详细介绍:
Wang Qi of China reacts during the men's hammer throw qualification of Athletics at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, Aug. 2, 2024. (Xinhua/Song Yanhua) Wang Qi (bottom) of China reacts during the men's hammer throw qualification of Athletics at the Paris 2024 Olympic Game...
hammer throw 读音:美英 hammer throw基本解释 掷链球 分词解释 hammer铁锤,榔头 throw投掷
『欧路词典』为您提供hammer throw的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的hammer throw的中文意思,hammer throw的读音,hammer throw的同义词,hammer throw的反义词,hammer throw的例句。
hammer throw 英[ˈhæmə θrəu] 美[ˈhæmɚ θro] 释义 掷链球 实用场景例句 全部 The women's pole vault andhammer throwdebuted at the Sydney 2000 Games. 撑杆跳高和链球的女子项目是在2000年悉尼奥运会设立的田径项目. 互联网...
In the hammer throw competition that was held previously on August 28th, Tajikistan's competitor Andrew Abudwaliev won first place with an achievement of 81.04 meters.───在8月28日提前举行的链球比赛中,塔吉克斯坦选手安德烈·阿布杜瓦利耶夫以81米04的成绩获第一名。 Miankova of Belarus has won th...
Hammer Throw - Rules - An athlete has to abide by the following rules while performing in a Hammer Throw competition ?
Hammer Throw - Training - Generally the throwers do not compete for a single throw; they participate in multiple events like hammer throw, javelin throw, etc. Hence, their training schedule is prepared keeping an eye on the performance that will aid to a
Define hammer throw. hammer throw synonyms, hammer throw pronunciation, hammer throw translation, English dictionary definition of hammer throw. n. a field event in which the hammer is thrown for distance. ham′mer throw`er, n. Random House Kernerman Web
Hammer throw is a sport in athletics (track and field) in which a hammer is hurled for distance, using two hands within a throwing circle. The sport developed in the British Isles and has been a regular part of track-and-field competitions since 1866, be