Philological Examination Questions onHamlet 1. What is the meaning of, "I'll make a ghost of him thatletsme"? 2. What is the meaning ofunhousel'd, disappointed, unaneled? 3. What is the meaning ofwindlasses and assays of bias?
Philological Examination Questions onHamlet Question:Was a "jig" anything more than a dance in Shakespeare's day? Answer:A "jig" in the days of Shakespeare, besides being a dance, was also a song, perhaps quick and rapid in movement in imitation of the dance. ...
Philological Examination Questions onHamlet Question:Explain: "I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw." Answer:Handsawis probably a corruption forheronsaw, hernsaw. In some dialects of Englandharnsais used, and it is but a step from this...