Act 1, Scene 4 That night, Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus, one of the guards who had seen the ghost, wait outside on another cold night. The miserable weather is juxtaposed again with revelry from the castle, which Hamlet criticizes as excessive and damaging to Danes' reputation for drunken...
Hamlet: Plot Summary (Acts 1 and 2)Act 1, Scene 1 Hamlet opens with the sentry, Francisco, keeping watch over the castle at Elsinore. He is relieved by Barnardo, who is joined shortly by Horatio and Marcellus. Barnardo and Marcellus reveal that they have witnessed an apparition:Marcellus. ...
Hamlet:PlotSummary(Acts1and2) Act1,Scene1 Hamletopenswiththesentry,Francisco,keepingwatchoverthecastleatElsinore. HeisrelievedbyBarnardo,whoisjoinedshortlybyHoratioandMarcellus.Barnardo andMarcellusrevealthattheyhavewitnessedanapparition: Marcellus.Horatiosays'tisbutourfantasy, andwillnotletbelieftakeholdofhim, ...
Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 2, Scene 1 Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 2, Scene 2 Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 3, Scene 1 Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 3, Scene 2 Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 3, Scene 3 Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 3, Scene 4 Hamlet: Novel Summary: Act 4, Scene 1...
71 -- 3:15 App Hamlet by William Shakespeare Act 1 Scene 1 Summary & Analysis 24 -- 1:25 App Hamlet by William Shakespeare Act 4 Scene 2 Summary & Analysis 49 -- 3:10 App Hamlet by William Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 4 Summary & Analysis 34 -- 2:02 App Hamlet by William ...
Hamlet Act I Summary Hamlet begins on a cold night with the changing of the guard. King Hamlet has died, and his brother Claudius has taken the throne. However, for the past two nights, the guards (Francisco and Bernardo) have seen a restless ghost resembling the old king wandering the ...
Laertes says goodbye to his sister Ophelia and warns her not to trust Hamlet. He tells her that Hamlet is fickle and soon his affections will turn from her. She asks him not to tell her to live strictly if he intends to live self-indulgently. He reassures her as their father Polonius ...
Act 1, Scene 3“This above all: to thine own self be true” Before he leaves, Laertes warns his sister Ophelia to avoid Hamlet and to stop overthinking his attention towards her. At night, on the ramparts, the ghost appears to Hamlet, and tells him that Claudius is behind is murder. ...
Summaries of Act 5, Scene 1 and Act 3 of Shakespeare's Hamlet What do you like about Hamlet? Briefly describe its plot. Could anyone provide tips for writing an obituary for Polonius in Hamlet? What would you ask Hamlet in an interview? The tone and its shifts in Act 2 of Hamle...
— HAMLET, ACT 3 SCENE 1 Act V On the way back to Denmark, Hamlet meets Horatio in the graveyard (along with a gravedigger), where they talk of the chances of life and death. As Ophelia's funeral procession arrives at the very same graveyard (what luck!), Hamlet confronts Laertes, wh...