Hamilton Review of Books Podcast – Season 2, Episode 3 "The Book Was Better...or was it?" with Jaime Krakowski Feb 23, 2023 Hamilton Review of Books Podcast – Season 2, Episode 2 "Poetry" with Lisa Richter Nov 4, 2022 Hamilton Review of Books Podcast – Season 2, Episode 1 "Book...
Jefferson vs. Hamilton (Book Review).Reviews the book 'Jefferson vs. Hamilton: Confrontations That Shaped a Nation,' by Noble E. Cunningham, Jr.PedersonWilliamD.EBSCO_bspLibrary Journal
Ye have still more than enough left. Act wisely. Succour the miserable and lay up a treasure in Heaven."(豆瓣似乎没法做block quote?)Burr: There would have been nothin' left to do4.从这句开始节奏变成了2倍速:因为Hamilton忽然找到了人生目标——Lin脑中想到的场景是Harry Potter忽然意识到他是个...
为了更加深入了解这部剧,近期把纪录片Hamilton's America、幕后故事集兼全剧剧本Hamilton the Revolution看完了(说来惭愧,其实应该提前做完作业再去现场看,奈何之前实在太忙了)。全书目录,幕后故事穿插着每首歌的歌词Revolution一方面,故事讲的是18世纪美国独立的revolution,另一方面,讲这个故事的方式,是21世纪用hip-hop...
Thank you to NetGalley, Karen Hamilton and Wildfire for my free ARC. I loved him and yet I'd been unable to stop him making the biggest mistake of his life. He was mine. Juliette loved Nate. Nate decided to end his relationship with Juliette.
How does a screenwriter manage to completely ruin a good book premise so effectively? The character introductions and backgrounds are extremely basic and random. Clearly, money was spent on production... but apparently, they hired the cheapest director and worst scriptwriter. The semi-romantic ending...
Damage Control tells a fast-paced story that paints believable pictures of the 1990s beach culture, contemporary downtown L.A., of politicians and the people who cater to them. The plot grabbed me from the very first pages, even before Chergui and Feminite du Bois made their cameo appearance...
Discover the Impact of Your Perception “Improve Behavior, Communication and Performance” These will give you the needed knowledge of everything needed to successfully complete the PPI Certification Course. It’s important that you had a chance to review the book and have a very good idea of th...
BOOK REVIEW: Brundle Rips the Mask off F1; Working the Wheel by Martin Brundle with Maurice Hamilton (Ebury Press, Pounds 18.99) 4sportsbooks Price: Pounds... BOOK REVIEW: Brundle Rips the Mask off F1; Working the Wheel by Martin Brundle with Maurice Hamilton (Ebury Press, Pounds 18.99) ...
“This beautifully written novel is relatable and communicates the unspoken words that often rob us of having richer experiences with others.”—The Book Review Crew “Caitlin Hamilton Summie writes like waves cross large oceans. Words, sentences, chapters and stories build with a complexity of win...