I cried a little when the first bag fell. Then one by one the clothes I’d seen her wear for years went thudding into the bins. (I’d carefully folded everything into paper grocery sacks, then put those into nice clean plastic garbage bags.) Each one went more easily than the last ...
I cried a little when the first bag fell. Then one by one the clothes I’d seen her wear for years went thudding into the bins. (I’d carefully folded everything into paper grocery sacks, then put those into nice clean plastic garbage bags.) Each one went more easily than the last ...
searing and sometimes surreal images that lodge in the brain. In the album’s opener, “The Garbage Men,” wishbones snap, light bulbs smash, a woman chews her nails and spits them into the swimming
Management doesn't care about you, they bring outside problems/personal problems to work with them, gossip about others, play favorites, don't know how to properly do a schedule or keep staff, constantly hiring staff so the turn over rate is extremely high, pay is low. I would highly re...
But I keep a very regular schedule and I work a lot. And I always have gotten to a moment where I think, “Wait, that’s a good idea.” And that’s where I get going. Was that the moment on the cross-sound ferry? It was after. It was when I ...