n = 30) than that in controls (342 [214 to 491] min, n = 31). Manual ventilator changes and alarms were less common in the adaptive support ventilation group, and arterial blood gas estimations were more common.
Complete airway closure can be alleviated by using recruitment maneuvers and setting PEEP to a value greater than the AOP (Hedenstierna G, Chen L, Brochard L. Airway closure, more harmful than atelectasis in intensive care?. Intensive Care Med. 2020;46(12):2373‑2376. doi:1...
集成同步 Aerogen 雾化系统作为一个选配件提供 (并非在所有市场均有提供a,仅适用于 HAMILTON‑C6/G5/S1b)。 输送药物气溶胶粒子的细水雾有助于您恢复支气管痉挛、提高通气效率和减少高碳酸血症 (Dhand R. New frontiers in aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation.Respir Care.2004;49(6):666...
Le monitorage, le déclenchement et la gestion des alarmes du ventilateur ont été ajustés pour être compatibles avec les valves de phonation en modes à pression contrôlée (VPC, VS/AI, VPC‑VACI). Le plus tôt sera le mieux.Une mobilisation accélérée ...
The ventilator's monitoring, triggering, and alarm management are adjusted for compatibility with speaking valves in pressure‑controlled modes (PCV+, SPONT, PSIMV+). Quick Wean.For the independent‑minded Quick Wean is a feature of the INTELLiVENT‑ASV mode that provides continuous dynamic mo...
动态肺面板显示与实际呼吸同步的肺顺应性、气道阻力和病人触发。 湿化器控件和状态。呼吸机显示屏上 从呼吸机显示屏上舒适、直接地操作 HAMILTON‑H900 湿化器。 HAMILTON‑H900 与呼吸机同步,并根据通气模式自动选择湿化模式。 极度独立。无压缩空气且由电池供电 ...
Simply push a button to release the ventilator from the trolley and reattach it with just one click. The sooner the better.Early mobilization With its high‑performance turbine, battery, compact size, and state‑of‑the‑art ventilation modes, the HAMILTON‑C3 is also at your patient'...
约25% 的机械通气病人出现显著的人机异步性 (Thille AW, Rodriguez P, Cabello B, Lellouche F, Brochard L. Patient‑ventilator asynchrony during assisted mechanical ventilation.Intensive Care Med.2006;32(10):1515‑1522. doi:10.1007/s00134‑006‑0301‑8)。人机异步性与呼吸功增加 (Tassaux...
B.https://www.aarc.org/wp‑content/uploads/2020/03/ventilator‑acquisition‑issue‑paper.pdf D.HAMILTON‑H900 不适用于转运 a.并非在所有市场均有提供 b.仅适用于 HAMILTON‑C6/G5/S1 f.也称为高流量氧疗。此术语可与高流量鼻导管治疗互换使用。
We want our ventilator to leave your patient’s side as quickly as possible. That is why we provide you with tools to help you implement your weaning protocol. These include visual aids and ventilation modes designed to encourage spontaneous breathing. ...