HamiltonM.Developmentofaratingscaleforprimary depressiveillness.BrJSocClinPsychol1967; 6(4):278–96. WilliamsJB.Astructuredinterviewguideforthe HamiltonDepressionRatingScale.ArchGenPsychiatry 1988;45(8):742–7. Addressforcorrespondence TheHDRSisinthepublicdomain. 28 HamiltonDepressionRatingScale(HDRS) Reference...
心理健康测试顾问 嗨,朋友!迫不及待要分享给你这个资源,相信能满足你的小期待~ 快戳[汉密顿抑郁量表[Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for Depression,HRSD].doc]查看~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,还有没有其他想要的资源呀?
depressionclinical rating scalesassessmentSynonyms HAM-D ; Hamilton rating scale for depression ; HDRS ; HRSD Description The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale ( HAM-D ) is a widely used, semi-structured interview that assists in assessing the presence and severity of depressive symptoms (Hamilton, ...
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)28
[Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for Depression,HRSD] 汉密顿抑郁量表,由Hamilton于1960年编制,是临床上评定抑郁状态时用得最普遍的量表,后又经过多次修订,版本有17项、21项和24项三种。现介绍的是24项版本。适用于有抑郁症状的成人。(一)信度:评定员若经训练后,便可取相当高的一致性。Hamilton本人报告,对70例...
The premier assessment tool for examining the severity and change in depressive symptoms in a patient, Doctot are proud to present the Hamilton Depression Ratin…
(SADS and SADS-C) have advantages over the widely used Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). A procedure was developed to extract the HDRS score from the SADS and SADS-C. The comparative reliability and the validity of the extracted HDRS score as a substitute for a real HDRS score was ...
The Hamilton Rating Scale For Depression is a 17-item clinical rating scale for measuring the severity of depression, typically for individuals who have already been diagnosed as depressed. It has good validity and reliability and is relatively short to administer. Select...
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)28
[Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for Depression,HRSD] 汉密顿抑郁量表,由Hamilton于1960年编制,是临床上评定抑郁状态时用得最普遍的量表,后又经过多次修订,版本有17项、21项和24项三种。现介绍的是24项版本。适用于有抑郁症状的成人。(一)信度:评定员若经训练后,便可取相当高的一致性。Hamilton本人报告,对70例...