1801–Feb. 19, 1802, NYC Municipal Archives. Testimony of John Marie Garvaize sworn before associate justice of the peace Jacob de la Montagnie, August 11, 1801. Montagnie was a member of the New York state assembly from New York City in 1798. He had also been active in the New Yor...
First, since "Hamilton is a fairly large city with many bank robberies", it was reasonable that the police's knowledge that later robberies were committed by Sotomayer did not cast doubt on the earlier arrest of the appellant (para. 112). Second, it was reasonable not to connect ...
During the mid and late 1970s, Booz Allen conducted studies of the telecommunications market and the Bell telephone system for AT&T and was engaged in a seven-year assignment for the city of Wichita, Kansas, to help establish a prototype municipal computer information system, which brought the f...
According to court records, he had committed suicide and either “stabbed or shot himself to death.” 50 For the Hamilton boys, the sequel was equally mortifying. Peter had drafted a will that provided for Ledja and their mulatto child but didn't bother to acknowledge Alexander or James ...