但是也难怪如此,在给与他极大支持的乔治·华盛顿卸任归田之后,继任的几位美国总统,John Adams(约翰·亚当斯),Thomas Jefferson(托马斯·杰斐逊),James Maddison,James Monroe(詹姆斯·门罗)都是ham的政敌,在ham去世之后,他们对ham的功绩加以抹黑。所以,ham的妻子Eliza(伊丽莎白·斯凯勒·汉密尔顿)为了保护丈夫生前最在乎的...
同时Angelica提到在英国遇到了John Adams,美国第二任总统,但Hamilton马上就出口黑他了。其实历史上他们这里应该还是同一个党派的同伴,但整个剧对这位总统一直没有停止对他的黑,这到底是LMM的感情还是普遍美国人的想法呢?不得而知。 另外Laurens复活了,变成了Hamilton的儿子Philip。Hamilton正为法案能否通过议会去苦思冥...
1785年的六一儿童节这天,时任美国驻英全权大使的John Adams受到了英国国王乔治三世的接见。Adams后来把会见的过程和乔治三世的回复都写在了给当时美国国务卿John Jay的信里。 据信中记载,Adams对乔治三世说话还是相当客气的(甚至有点谄媚): "The appointment of a Minister from the United States to your Majesty’...
Hamilton & Adams is a men’s clothing, gift and curiosity boutique specializes in casual clothing, skin care, home/gift and curated locally inspired curiosities.
同悲万古尘_创建的收藏夹hamilton音乐剧相关内容:【中英双字】《汉密尔顿》中的删节片段:怒斥约翰亚当斯(毒舌预警)Lin-Manuel Miranda performing the John Adams rap,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton During the 1800 presidential elections, Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, and John Adams, a Federalist, were vying for the presidency. At the time, presidents and vice presidents were voted for separately, and Aaron Burr, intended to be Jefferson's vice...
Hamilton and John Adams spoke the ideas of the Federalists. Madison joined Jefferson in the Democratic-Republican Party. Even though Hamilton had previously worked alongside Secretary of State Jefferson, the two were now, as Washington noted, "daily pitted in the cabinet like two cocks." Hamilton...
第二幕里 "The Adams Administration" 中讲到 John Adams 接任第二届美国总统后,Ham 与他笔战,剧中 Ham 唱了一句 “Sit down, John, you fat mother-f [beeeeeeeeeep (消音) ]” 并仍下来一摞文章。 “Sit down, John”是出自另一部讲述美国革命历史的音乐剧《1776》。该剧用搞笑的方式讲了当年十三个...
现代少将的典范”( the model of a modern major general)的唱词正是来自这部吉尔伯特<Arthur Sullivan>和沙利文<W. S. Gilbert>共同创作的最富盛名的演出之一);《1776》(1969年)(在歌曲“The Adams Administration”中,歌词“Sit down, John, you fat motherf***”引用的的是这部剧的歌曲“Sit Down, John...
在历史上他的政敌们约翰·亚当斯(John Adams)、托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)、詹姆斯·麦迪逊(...