哈姆登霍尔国家学校(Hamden Hall Country Day School)是一所男女混合的走读制大学预备学校,成立于1912年,是由康涅狄格州教育部批准的私立学校,位于纽黑文市隔壁的哈姆登镇,距离耶鲁大学仅5分钟车程,距纽约市中心驾车75分钟可达。学校在激发学生在准备大学预科课程的同时,培养个人诚信和社会责任意识。哈姆登学校希望学生能...
联系邮箱:admissions@hamdenhall.org 招生电话:203-752-2600 体育项目 Dance舞蹈 Volleyball排球 Fitness健美 Tennis网球 Softball垒球 Basketball篮球 Wrestling摔角 Squash壁球 Outdoor program户外项目 Lacrosse长曲棍球 Baseball棒球 Soccer足球 Cross Country耐力跑 Football橄榄球 Field Hockey曲棍球 Golf高尔夫球 Ice Hockey...
Hamden Hall, Milford, Sheehan Starting to Pick It UpIt was a rough start to the 2012-13 season for the Hamden Hallboys' hockey team, which opened...Nowak, Dan
Hamden Youth Hockey Assoc. Hamden Figure Skating Assoc. Hamden Soccer Assoc. Greater Hamden Baseball Assoc. Hamden Heronettes Synchronized Swimming Town Links The Mayor Town Clerk Town Hall Departments School Superintendent School Department Hamden Police Department ...
Victor Joshua had 19 points and eight assists and Darren Payenhad a double-double scoring 18...reports, From
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The Hamden Daily News has not been active since August 2008. We have left thearchivesintact, which include everything ever written since the HDN's inception in August 2005. Feel free to scan our three years' worth of coverage on town government, the schools, arts, crime, etc., as well ...
Lauralton Hall Shuts out Hamden; Cheshire Wins 7-0Kiley Forrest had a goal and an assist for the Lauralton Hallfield hockey team, which defeated...reports, From