2.A surface or surface covering that is similar to a rug:a carpet of leaves and pine needles on the forest floor. tr.v.car·pet·ed,car·pet·ing,car·pets To cover with or as if with a carpet:carpet the stairs; snow that carpeted the sidewalks. ...
The Persian Hamadan rug. (The Rug Cleaning Specialist).Groseclose, AaronIcs Cleaning Specialist
61173 Vintage Persian Hamadan Runner, 03'06 x 12'02. Full of tiny details and nomadic charm, this hand knotted wool vintage Persian Hamadan runner is a captivating vision of woven beauty. The tribal design and lively colorway woven into this rug work together creating a truly one-of-a-kin...
Identifying and understanding the Gabbeh rug: in the December 2002 issue of ICS magazine we examined the Hamadan rug. this time we will look at a rug that comes from southwestern Persia -- the Gabbeh. (The Rug Cleaning Specialist).
1) hamadan 哈马顿地毯 2) Afghan bokhara rug 布哈拉地毯 3) Eulaha carpet 欧拉哈地毯 4) Harami 哈腊米地毯 5) Kandahar carpet 坎达哈地毯 6) hada woolen carpet 哈达毛地毯 补充资料:哈马 哈马 叙利亚面部城市,啥马省省会。人口19.4万(1985),为全国第四大城。位于阿西河畔,为重要的农产品集散地。工业有...