ClickHEREfor our latest offering! Schulman Auction,is the only online auction company specializing in the sale of amateur/ham radio equipment, vintage audio, antique radios and related items. We’re professional auctioneers and hams who have over 50 years of combined experience and knowledge to su...
E-Bay Prices Realized-- Via Hampedia Also try E-Bay Prices-- Both current and completed auctions Used Gear Prices-- De Ja News -- Type in the nomenclature of the gear The S.M.A.R.T.S. BOOK-- Secondary Market Pricing Book for Amateur Radio Enthusiasts ...
I do not buy radios and part them out, as a lot of sellers do on eBay. I will however occasionally purchase a broken radio on eBay, rebuild it and put it back on sale. I will from time to time have one on this site for sale but it will be ones that I like to use, and like...
The only thing that could make my Wisconsin vacation to see family and friends better of course, would be if I brought radios along. Learning from the past Two years ago, I made my first long distance trip with a portable HF station when I took my Xiegu G90 and an end fed half wave...