Debco Electronics, Inc.- Lots Ham Kits Down East Microwave Inc.- 50Mhz and above Goodies, Transverters etc. EleCraft K2 160-10 Meter Transceiver Kit- Designed by N6KR & WA6HHQ Electronic Rainbow Kits- 2 M, 10 M, 220 MHz FM Reciever, Code Oscillator, VOX, Radio DF, Pre-Amps ...
X-4 Mobile SSB exciter 80m 54-55 *** Technology Institute CW xmtr 80m 59 (xtal) King -50 6m converter - see WRL - These are NOT kits for sale - they are just photos I have gathered (mainly from eBay) to remind you of what vintage ham radio kits looked ...
HH-928 Cheap vehicle mounted 1.8-30mhz 27mhz HF SSB transceiver CB ham mobile radio transceiver for car truck $200.00 - $280.00 Min. order: 2 pieces Hot HH-507M VHF Marine Radio Transceiver with IP-67 and built-in DSC $150.00 - $180.00 Min. order: 1 piece DMR digital mobile radio ...
A QRP SSB/CW Transceiver for 14MHz -- Part 1 A QRP SSB/CW Transceiver for 14MHz -- Part 2 The QRP Three-Bander A Balanced QRP Transmatch Build A Tuna-Tin 2 The Tuna Tin 2 Today The CB Slider The NORCAL SIERRA: An 80-15 Meter CW Transceiver. A Simple and Accurate QRP D...
:10W Max USDX + USDR HF QRP SDR SSB/CW Transceivers 5W DSP SDR Ham Radio 8 Bands Shortwave QCX-SSB PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ Basic: Brand name is kkmoon.Origin is cn(origin). REASONS TO BUY:✨ Transceivers: the usdr sdr with sdr and qr interface is designed to be used on both sides ...
The radio feel very strong, very profesional, I like has group mode and single call, similar as DMR radio, even this radio is analog. what I see this radio it will be great if has keyboard to enter manual frecuency. Reviews with repeated content are hiddenShow hidden reviews ...
The Transceiver The main hardware of any Ham Radio shack is the so called Transceiver or "Rig". The 3 biggest rig manufacturers are Yaesu, Icom and Kenwood but there are other brands such as Elecraft, Elad, Flex Radio, Alinco, Baofeng and Wouxun. Prices vary between 1500 USD for a budg...
Ssb Radio|Ssb Transceiver|รองรับการตั้งค่าสัญญาณสูงสุด 30MHz:รองรับการส่งและรับสัญญาณในช่วงความถี่ 0.8-32MHz พ...
Why the Basic Pacific Antenna Kits? I first became aware of these excellent basic kits a few years ago when we chose the Easy Receiver kit as a group build project for a Wednesday Workshop at the Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design that we, W1YU, the Amateur Radio Club at...
Radio design is a lot like other equipment design The design of a modern high-performance transceiver for amateur radio is really not much different from the design of many other systems. For example, the volumes are modest, in the few thousands of units per year for a typical model. This...