As far back as the 1890's, Morse code was already being used extensively for radio communication, much before it was possible to transmit voice! Ham radio operators have been usingother formsof digital communications over the air waves since the end of WWII, more than half a century ago!
HAM 常用Q简语
Topics of interest include Ham radio Hf, Vhf and Uhf antenna projects, code practice, digital, ATV, short wave listening, electronics, education, Ham Radio books, Elmer, hf groups, humor, ham radio license study, how to become a ham radio operator, ham radio magazines, ham radio software, ...
Dino's Tower Service-- North Florida. Specializing in tower installations, antenna assembly, and wire antennas. Down East Microwave Inc.- VHF/UHF/SHF Equipment and Parts. DX QSL Service-- By WF5E E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc.- For electronics builders -Compilers to Code Examples to Componen...
Instruction manuals and service manuals for your ham radio gear. Repair your ham radio equipment with our technical manuals and foldout schematic diagrams.
with pork. Ham also isn’t an acronym – it’s not H.A.M. standing for something like Hertz-Armstrong-Marconi. Instead, early amateur radio enthusiasts were often looked down on by professionals who called them “hams,” possibly from “ham-fisted,” a comment on their Morse code skills...
7.AGN (AGAIN) 再,再来一次 8.AHR (ANOTHER) 另外的 9. ALL 完全,全部 10. ALSO 也,同样 11. ALY (ALWAYS) 完全,全部 12. ANS (ANSWER) 回答 13. ANT (ANTENNA) 天线 14.AM (AMPLITUDE MODULATION)调幅 15. AMP 调幅话 16.AR (AMATEUR RADIO)业余无线电 17.ARD (ADDRESS)地址 18.ARS...
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Platform: AATest(v2.1.38) A special edition of AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. Platform: CwGet(v2.50 & v1.0NG) A program to decode morse code (CW) via a sound card to text. ...
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Platform: AATest(v2.1.38) A special edition of AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. Platform: CwGet(v2.50 & v1.0NG) A program to decode morse code (CW) via a sound card to text. ...
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Platform: AATest(v2.1.38) A special edition of AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. Platform: CwGet(v2.50 & v1.0NG) A program to decode morse code (CW) via a sound card to text. ...