When we’re talking about radio waves, the frequency tells us how many waves pass per unit of time. High frequencies will have a lot of short waves go by per second, while lower frequency waves will have fewer longer waves pass per second. The number of waves passing by per second is ...
Those who know me and my ham radio experience know that I love 10 Meters. Early in my ham career (and in the peak days of solar cycle 21), I would come home from school and turn on the radio to armchair copy of VK/ZL and South American stations on 10M SSB, just like they were ...
We will load an assortment of ham radio simplex as well and repeaters. Remember, repeaters have super range, but with a small antenna, down low, just remember if you can not “see” the antenna (or the top of the mountain it’s on) your radio can’t either. Elevation counts as this...
To get on the air with your local repeater, the most complex thing you will have to do is program your radio to properly access the repeater. Repeaters use tones and a frequency offset to do their work. The repeater offset allows the repeater to receive on one frequency and transmit on a...
The unit I went with is theUV-5RA. This little radio is not much larger than a king-sized pack of cigarettes but doesn’t let the size fool you! While it only has 4 watts of output power, it has allowed me to access repeaters 50+ miles away which have then enabled me to extend...
CAT through Ham Radio Deluxe Tune rig to spot frequency Automatically detect split operation and set rig to split mode Read rig frequency and use it when sending new spots Automatic update of country database It’s free! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l9ZV11vVRPXliVxb98uB5Q4NsWrZnHtl...
Radio more than likely, adds the 70cm band (420 to 450 MHz) *UHF* to the above 2m allotment and allows the end user to access both bands from one single radio unit. 70cm aka ‘four forty’ is lesser used in most areas, but still a popular band for hams and repeaters in the ...
Ham Radio Repeaters In India This list of VHF/UHF ham radio repeaters in India was generated using information from the RepeaterBook database. This map/list can be updated by adding missing repeaters onrepeaterbook.com [table caption=”Ham Radio Repeaters In India”]Call,Location,Frequency,Offset...
US Repeaters Ham-Shack K1IW Repeater Search HamsRUs Repeater Builders Free Online Manuals AC6V - all Marcucci Italy-Icom Ham Radio India-Icom & Kenwood Kenwood BAMA ICOM Japan Radio Amateur Clegg, Swan/Atlas, others CQHamRU - tons Alinco Mirage Radio Shack/Realistic Radionut53 - older Other...
On Repeaters, depending on where you live you will find a -12MHz or likely a -25MHz split/offset. You can find the current San Francisco Bay Area Repeater Frequencies for 900MHz on my website as well as the VHF/UHF Bandplan to help you get started. Simplex Frequency spacing is 12.5kH...