VK Ham Radio Wall Chart (Updated October 2024) Posted onAugust 6, 2023Updated onOctober 8, 2024byadminCategories:Antenna's,Guides,Resources Download a free A3/A4 VK Ham Radio wallchart to print for ready reference formulas, Q-codes, Band Frequencies, DMR Talk Groups all on one page ...
Hawaii State Frequencies Hawaii ARES Hawaii Repeater Coordination Webpage AmCON Contions Level Defcon Warning System See our App Page Current Defcon Level Radio Relay International State QSO Parties APRS Map KH6OWL WRPS600 GMRS License Counts ...
click for Local nets w/ frequencies, & D-Star The Radio Amateur is: CONSIDERATE...He/[She] never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others. LOYAL...He/[She] offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, the IARU Radio Society in ...
Here you will find helpful resources for Radio Amateurs in Louisville, Kentucky and the greater Kentuckiana area. Explore the website by using the menu across the top of this page. Connect with local Hams by finding frequencies, offsets, CTCSS tones and other area repeater information. ...
If you're interested in hobby radio at all, ham radio is the ultimate trip: the chance to operate your own radio station. Want to communicate around the world on shortwave? Want to use VHF and UHF frequencies like you can hear on a scanner? Want to operate your own television station?
MURS Radio MURS stands for Multi-use Radio Service. These radios are assigned to only five channels in the VHF range from between 151-154 MHz. They’re also limited to a maximum power limit of just two Watts. So between the frequencies and the low power, you shouldn’t expect a range ...
members is to use a piece of freeware called “CHIRP” for which I will list the link below. CHIRP is in the form of an Excel spreadsheet that allows you to enter the frequencies(s), tone and offset (both required for repeater access) and then quickly upload this data to your radio....
You get all the Ham bands and all the authorized Ham radio frequencies. Learn more about the study materials! In order to advance up the ladder to General Class and then Extra if you want the highest license class, you first take the Technician exam, then the General and last the Extra ...
If you have an old analog TV tuner, select cable channel 57, 58, 59 or 60 depending on what frequency is used in your area - cable channels are on different frequencies than the old analog over the air broadcast channels. Cable channel 60 is in the 70cm ham band at 439.25 MHz, over...
towers and build repeater systems in upstate New York. The worst that might happen, they say, is that current radio frequencies might decay or, in the worst-case scenario, we could lose most of our electronic infrastructure, forcing us to rely on ham radio to keep us connected and informed...