1798 4 30:00 App 【Ham Radio】YAESU FT1D介绍 5673 2 3:43 App 【业余无线电】RX-SSTV图像解码软件的简单教程 1537 4 4:32 App 业余无线电安卓应用之HF Weather FAX(短波气象传真) 2618 1 4:00 App 业余无线电考试查询工具软件,CRAC官方出品智谱APP手机版初体验 8099 3 6:10 App 宝锋UV5R直呼...
which has become something of an “item” among collectors. Mine have been bound up in their original wrapping and stored away for 40-plus years, and might yield the cost of a new portable radio should I
Communications Monitoring: The Importance of Radio Monitoring and Intelligence Gathering During Crisis Situations March 2, 2020 HAM Radio Abbreviations: Q Signals and CW Abbreviations and Beyond February 15, 2020 BAOFENG UV-5R: How to Program your Radio with CHIRP and Get the Best Performance ...
This is useful if you leave your radio unattended, yet controlled by software. If there is insufficient data, then no frequency will be returned.PSK Reporter FAQQ. I am not seeing any Received Signals or Sent Signals on the map for a specific callsign....
RADIO PHOTOS -- HAM AND ANTIQUE ANTIQUE BROADCAST RADIO AND TV ANTIQUE HAM RADIOS Origin Of The Term "BoatAnchor"- Some Legends, Some Myths, Some Guesses, Some Documented, Some Humorous (:-) Mail List Reflectors-- Subscription Info for BoatAnchors, Collins, Drake, GlowBugs, Fox-Tango, Hal...
HAM RADIO 7155 MHZ GROUP 8am Morning Group, with technical topics. We discuss every topic from signals, propagation, audio, antennas, radios, rigs, microphones, baluns, power amps, tube radios and solid state. Even movies and broadcasting.
The susceptible portable radio was substituted for the field strength meter. It became obvious that the ground was effectively “shorting out” horizontally polarised signals. It was found that at low heights the power fed into the horizontal antenna needed to be about 100 times (i.e. 20 dB)...
Listening to radio activity around you can be very helpful in understanding situational awareness. A good example is listening to your local fire or law enforcement channels. You can hear some of these frequencies using a low-cost VHF/UHF radio but a scanner that receives digital signals will ...
Mini60 Bluetooth Android HF ANT SWR Antenna Analyzer Meter For Ham Radio Hobbists 1-60 Mhz FEATURES • mini size: 91mm * 53mm * 25mm • weight: 300g • with 3.7v li-on 1500ma battery(rechargeable) • Support for Android 2.2 -4.0 or new version, supports 3--10 inch mobile ...
Remember to use the double hash on the channel name when joining (/join ##hamradio). This channel includes the W8IRC bot for detailed QRZ callsign lookups, DXCC data, APRS lookups, DMR lookups, DX Summit spots, Q-signals, solar data, morse code translations, weather conditions, rigpix....