Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 107 web resources on , QLog, NetLogger, Call Book Log 3. Resources listed under Ham Radio Log Software category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amat
Are you planning a DXpedition and need a good and reliable logbook program that allows you to concentrate in the radio activity during the operation, without having to care about the logs ? Do you want to get real-time statistics, summaries and maps of the worked DXCCs, locators and ...
https://ttja.ee/en/private-client/communications-media/radio-communication/amateur-radio-stations Anominen sujuu seuraavasti: lataa sivustolla oleva dokumenttiamatoortaotlus.rtfkoneellesi täytä lomake:perekonnanimi= sukunimi,eesnimed= etunimet,sugu= mies/nainen,sünniaeg= syntymäpäivä,...
Logging software for the most demanding radio amateur WSJT-X, JS8Call, MixW, FLDIGI logging, LoTW / eQSL full synch and much more... Main features Entering QSOs Simply type a callsign in the Add QSO window and Swisslog will fill out nearly all fields, including data from your favourite...
Free hamradio callbook with very fast XML access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc.
Ham Radio Log 编辑评价 这个简单的业余无线电日志可让您快速轻松地记录联系人。自动输入日期和时间,以及上次使用的频率、功率和模式,以便快速进入比赛。在您的日志中搜索特定电台,以 ADIF 格式导出,或使用数据库导入/导出功能在 Android 设备之间共享您的日志。随时随地登录日志从未如此简单!
The ultimate Ham Radio software for DX clusters, contests, and everyday use. Contest LogChecker, DXPocket, DXSpotter, and ADIF Master software.
A comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. Platform: TrueTTY(v3.33) A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Platform: AATest(v2.1.38) A special edition of AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. ...
Not registered, yet?Join us, we want to create the best free hamradio callbook! Welcome to the free hamradio callbook. This callbook provides all data for free and you will not have to log in to see any detail unlike other sites. It includes also XML access for logging programs. You...
keyboard tasks (such as having to enter RST via keyboard). With the dramatic drop in prices of PDAs and increasing popularity of QRP, ham radio-backpacking and other forms of mobile/portable ham radio, MobileLog should provide many users with the satisfaction of computerized logging on-the-go...