In fifth place is this article describing the RH770 antenna for use with dual-band 2m/70cm handheld radios. This is a high-performing yet inexpensive antenna that should be in your toolkit. A Better Antenna for Dualband Handhelds Editors Choice Just for good measure, I am including one more...
You probably are now the owner of a radio. Maybe it will lead to you getting into the hobby. It did for my wife. She won a 2m/440 handheld at a hamfest. She handed me the radio and I handed it right back and told her to get her own license. She did. 73-w2ck ...
First, I was dead set on never getting a DMR radio, that is until I heard theBrandmeisterservers are now connected to > servers.. APRS on DMR, now I’m interested. Just getting into this new Ham Radio platform, I wanted a few things: 2M/70cm handheld radio that was both digi...
Using APRS it is theoretically possible for someone using a handheld transceiver in Sydney, Australia to send a text message to another ham buddy in New York, USA.Another facility of APRS-IS is the ability to store objects. Objects are created using the client software and typically contain a...
Satellite Antenna Array: AMSAT LEO Pack 16 element 436 MHz 436CP16 and 8 element 144 MHz 2MCP8A with AZ / EL Yaesu G-5500 computerized rotator with Fox Delta ST-2 controller. Antenna for Portable Satellite: Handheld Elk 2M/440L5 Dual-band Log Periodic antenna (used with ICOM 705, Kenwoo...
SvxLink is an EchoLink and general purpose voice services systemfor controlling ham radio repeaters. A repeater is a radio tower that receives a weak transmission from a handheld or remote radio and then repeats the same message with greater power over a wide area. With repeaters radio communica...
1. Handheld KIT 2023:Click Here 2.Mobile Rigs 2023:Click Here Looking to become a Ham, Interested in the Hobby? Give our ‘How to Become a Ham Operator’ episode a listenHere Now is the perfect time to obtain your Ham Radio License! Are you ready to take the next stepandenjoy a20%...
(radio and antenna and operator) on that band. As noted, many areas have 70cm (440 Mhz) and some may also have 1.25m (222 Mhz) band activity on FM repeaters. A lot of handhelds have 2 meters, 70 cm, and 1.25 meter bands these days, while some substitute 6 meters for 1.25 meters...
Antenna for Portable Satellite: Handheld Elk 2M/440L5 Dual-band Log Periodic antenna (used with ICOM 705, Kenwood TH-D74a or BaoFeng UV-5R.) Mobile Station: For HF, myIcom 705has shared custody between my Subaru Forster SUV and my home shack. This gives me all mode / all bands 160m...
This handheld Amateur Radio transceiver offers 10-160m virtual HamSphere HF bands including 6m, 2m and 70cm. It comes with a fully working 30 day trial. The tra…