DXpeditions Archives-- From QTH.NET DXpedition & Contest Log Searches The Dayton Ohio Amateur Radio Forum-- General Message Board for all hams in the Miami Valley area to use, but itcan be used by all Hams as well. WP3C Ham Chat Room ...
Ham radio contest, contesting, radio sports category is a curation of 202 web resources on , SW2A Contest station, RTTY contesting.com, King of Spain Contest. Resources listed under Ham Radio Contest category belongs to DX Resources main collection, and
Some ham radio operators like to go on "DXpeditions," which are trips to countries where few ham radio operators are active. The "DXpeditioners" put the rare country on the air and try to make as many contacts as possible. This is a QSL card from a DXpedition to the Cayman Islands....
After a 17-year effort to get permission to operate from India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Bharathi Prasad, VU2RBI, and her team of hams were set up and on the air when December's massive earthquake and tsunami struck. Their DXpedition immediately turned into a three-week-long ...
Supports spot filtering based on DX band, callsign, country, active DXpeditions and worked/new countries Supports three types of alerts: color change, sound alert, icon and balloon popup Reconnects automatically if the connection is interrupted ...
used rig. I have only bought seven main HF operating rigs in the last 40 years and currently sport a fleet of four HF Rigs. I have had my Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V since buying it new in 2000. My little Icom IC-706 MKIIG was purchased in 1999 to take on personal DXpeditions, in ...
Ham radio adventures around the world with WJ2ONews Latest news of WJ2O adventuresLogbook See how many times you are in thereDXpeditions Information on all WJ2O trips outside the United StatesEvents WJ2O Non-DX Ham Radio experiences
Spent a good deal of time adding features to the Raspberry Pi Club Log bridge. I’ve renamed it ClubPi. It now has a very nice user interface that is run by pointing your browser at the ClubPi IP address. It is quite a nice addtion for dxpeditions that want to do ‘real time’ ...
In the little time available to play radio, I admit I have been on the HF bands.10 and 15 into the South Pacific have been especially good, I have added a few ATNO’s to my DXCC efforts.One exciting thing I’ve seen is some 10m FM work from some of the dxpeditions.I haven’t...
Contesting News-- From Radio-Sport.Net LA9HW Ham Contest Pages And Contest Calendar LATEST DXPEDITIONS & DX OPERATIONS- Click Here Contest Info From NG3K Contest & SDR - Personal Blog of DH1TW WA7BNM CONTEST CALENDAR SM3CER CONTESTS CALENDAR ...