Logging software for the most demanding radio amateur WSJT-X, JS8Call, MixW, FLDIGI logging, LoTW / eQSL full synch and much more... Main features Entering QSOs Simply type a callsign in the Add QSO window and Swisslog will fill out nearly all fields, including data from your favourite...
This is a home page of DXnews.com forum. Here you will find all information related to amateur and professional radiosport and dxing.
Ham Radio Deluxe is the World's Most Popular Ham Radio Software. Radio Amateur's Best Asset for Rig and Rotor Control, Logging, Digital Modes, Satellite
Welcome to KB4MTO's Website about Ham Radio, aka Amateur Radio. Here I provide info about the Ham Radio hobby, equipment, operations, and different avenues in the hobby.
http://www.blackcatsystems.com/software/multimode.html Want to decode CW / RTTY / SSTV / FAX / ACARS / PSK31 / SITOR / FEC / Hell and more ham radio modes? Want to transmit them from your Mac as well? Well then, MultiMode is the program you've been looking for! With MultiMode...
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII(7 or 8 bits),PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK),BPSK63,QPSK63,BPSK125,AMTOR-FEC(SITOR-B, NAVTEX),MultiFSK-16,MultiFSK-8.HF-PACKETandUHF-PACKET(AX25) are supported inKISS-TNCemulatio...
Digital modes of transmission are forming an increasingly important element of amateur radio. There are many different digital modes ranging from packet radio & RTTY to JT-65 and more . .
The IC-705 has a built-in server to to send and receive audio and radio control via WLAN. This […] Sound Card Check Digital operating modes are becoming more and more interesting for radio amateurs. The installation and use of the […] ...
Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 110 web resources on , 10 QSO Logger, AirHamLog - Online Amateur Radio Logbook, QLog. Resources listed under Ham Radio Log Software category belongs to Software main collection, and g
PocketDigi - Ham Radio Digital Modes on your PocketPC (PSK, RTTY, and CW) - Open Source The latest cool thing in PDA ham radio is PocketDigi. With PocketDigi, you can plug your PocketPC into your ham radio transceiver and send and receive RTTY (teletype), PSK (phase shift keying mod...