Often, you'd like to be able to record from your radio, unattended. If so, Audiocorder is the program for you. You just connect a cable from your radio's speaker jack to your Mac's microphone jack. You then set a minimum volume...
Ham Radio Tilting Crank Up Tower and Mosley Antenna Crank-Up Ham Radio Tower Part 1 - Ham Radio Antenna Radials Amateur Radio Mast for G5RV Junior Antenna VK4FADI Now VK4MAC Rohn 25G Tower Installation The Fun Of Ham Radio DX - Making Friends Around The Globe Modern Amateur Radio Hobby...
Part 1 - Ham Radio Antenna Radials Amateur Radio Mast for G5RV Junior Antenna VK4FADI Now VK4MAC Rohn 25G Tower Installation The Fun Of Ham Radio DX - Making Friends Around The Globe Modern Amateur Radio Hobby - an introduction full version HD-1080p ...
Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 107 web resources on , 10 QSO Logger, AirHamLog - Online Amateur Radio Logbook, QLog. Resources listed under Ham Radio Log Software category belongs to Software main collection, and g
Ham Radio Deluxe is the World's Most Popular Ham Radio Software. Radio Amateur's Best Asset for Rig and Rotor Control, Logging, Digital Modes, Satellite
I’ve been building bits and pieces of what will become a digital amateur TV capability for just on five years! I lost my momentum after building a number of components and it’s only in the last few weeks I’ve found a renewed enthusiasm to get on with it! One of the main prods ...
HamSphere is a virtual shortwave tranceiver client that works in Windows, Linux or Mac or any other Java driven system. It is a communication system simulating shortwave propagations over a virtual Ionosphere. The system is based on SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology such as digital local ...
Black Cat Systems - Windows and macOS software, specializing in ham / shortwave radio, audio, and science related programs
This is a recording of my “Ham Radio for Hackers” talk that I gave atHOPE XVat St. John’s University in New York City on July 12, 2024. The fellow to my right is frantically trying to get my MacBook to talk to the A/V system in the room. In fact, that’s why I am hemmi...
Using the OpenDHT library, mvoice now joins a special digital voice, ham-radio DHT network to discover reflector and repeater destinations directly. For these target systems using the DHT, connection information is published and updated directly by the target and is available to mvoice in near-real...