Free hamradio callbook with very fast XML access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc.
One of the things about amateur radio that non-hams find amusing is how we use our call signs to identify one another rather than our names.
Hamcall call sign database You are right. HamQTH needs user action to update information. If they do not do It it does not update. Of course US callsigns with data can be loaded from FCC but I do not know Is there a routine for it. ... -- the world's top ham radio call sign lookup services, find ham radio call signs, call letters, worldwide ham call server
Free hamradio callbook with very fast XML access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc.
I have made 233 activations on 64 different summits, logged 3702 QSOs and 1020 unique call signs. Of these activations 230 were qualified using SSB or FM, two were using CW and one was by FT8. Most of my activations have been alone but I have done combined activations with Allen VK3A...
Stations using their own callsigns and "/P" operations are not suitable for sponsorship. Place a link to this page within your expedition WEB-site, stating the sponsorship. Place a note on the QSL-card indicating clearly the sponsorship with a text like "Sponsored by WWW.VQLOG.COM" and ...
Call others by their call signs, not their real names Take a quick pause after you push the PTT (push to talk) button and before you start talking to make sure you don’t get clipped off Speak slowly, clearly, and efficiently – don’t ramble ...
Listen the Call, DXCC, Band or a personal sound depending on the Statistic status of an announced callsign in the DX messages window. Set it also for callsigns added as DX Alerts in the Schedule function. Read more World Map and Propagation ...
Check-in: Taking checkins one by one. Hams are welcome as well hamsphere call signs. The purpose of this net is tech discussions and computer questions. Also this may give non hams the steppin stone to ham radio. Everyone welcome.