HAM 常用Q简语
Digital Ham Radio - About PSK31, TOR, AMTOR, PACTOR, PACTOR-II, PACTOR-III, G-TOR, CLOVER, RTTY, HF PACKET, HELLSCHREIBER, MT63, THROB, MFSK16, FSK, FUZZY MODES --- By; Murray Greenman ZL1BPU CLOVER -- From Hal Communications Feld-Hell Club - Promoting the Hellschreiber mode -...
"Having just entered the world of Ham Radio after a 40 year hiatus - I felt really behind the curve. I discovered your ham radio web site today and appreciate the work that you have put in it. Your page is bookmarked, and is one that I will refer to often. I am interested in the...
https://ttja.ee/en/private-client/communications-media/radio-communication/amateur-radio-stations Anominen sujuu seuraavasti: lataa sivustolla oleva dokumenttiamatoortaotlus.rtfkoneellesi täytä lomake:perekonnanimi= sukunimi,eesnimed= etunimet,sugu= mies/nainen,sünniaeg= syntymäpäivä,...
模式: AM, USB, LSB modes (0.1-30 MHz) AM mode only for 118-137 MHz; FM mode only for 87-108 MHz 调谐: Direct Input digital key pad combined with manual tuning. 指示器: Large Analog “S” Meter Multifunction LCD Display 6“ x 3.5” ...
6.AF (AFRICA) 非洲 7.AGN (AGAIN) 再,再来一次 8.AHR (ANOTHER) 另外的 9. ALL 完全,全部 10. ALSO 也,同样 11. ALY (ALWAYS) 完全,全部 12. ANS (ANSWER) 回答 13. ANT (ANTENNA) 天线 14.AM (AMPLITUDE MODULATION)调幅 15. AMP 调幅话 16.AR (AMATEUR RADIO)业余无线电 17.ARD ...
There are two common options when using an SDR together with a ham radio rig. You can either create an IF tap within your ham radio and connect the SDR to that, or connect the SDR directly to the antenna via a switch that switches the SDR out when transmitting. ...
I am also the happy owner of the amazing Joplin Amateur Radio Club Antenna Launcher. SDRs: SDRplay RSP2 and Three NooElec RTL2832U USB Sticks –used with the wideband Diamond discone antenna. Computers: Main Computer: Homebrew Eight Core, 16 Thread i9-11900 @ 5.3GHz / 64 GB RAM — Ham...
MODE,选择接收模式,每按一次转换一个模式,分别有4项选择: AUTO:自动调整 WFM:调频(宽频) AM:调幅 FM:调频(窄频) BAND,调整频段,由频段1顺跳至频段9,LCD显示屏会出现[1]至[9],进入广播模式时,AM与FM互换,AM会显示[A],FM则为[F] TX PO,调整发射功率,高功率与低功率互换,被设定为低功率时,LCD显示屏...
I always wanted to get my ham radio… But I am a full time 60-70 hours per week manager with little time for anything. I am also very old and didn’t think I’d have the mindset to retain anything anymore. However, I took a chance and bought the course and in 6 weeks I was ...