Radio communication, Antenna Theory, and electronics are complicated subjects – I will be the first to admit that I don’t know everything, so if you are looking to get into Ham Radio or buying a radio for emergency communication purposes, please take the time to at least understand how t...
World’s best Ham Radio Antennas BandPass Filters Preamplifiers Dividers. We dispose of the highest amount of antennas, BPFs, VLNA, and dividers in the world
Ham Radio Prepper-February 14, 20200 VHF / UHF Radios YAESU FT-2980R: A 2 METER MOBILE POWERHOUSE RADIO Ham Radio Prepper-February 13, 20200 VHF / UHF Radios Icom IC-2730A Review: Dual Band VHF/UHF 50W Mobile Radio Ham Radio Prepper-February 12, 20200 ...
Maine 2 Meter FM Simplex Challenge, VHF Contest, Wireless Society of Southern Maine The Maine 2 meter FM Simplex Challenge is a ham radio contest primarily designed to ... By: Tim Watson Hits: 104 SM3CER Contest Calendar SM3CER Contest Service is one of the most up to date and ...
Each one of these modes has a story behind it…often I was just looking for something new to try. (If you find yourself getting bored with ham radio, it might be time to try a new mode.) This list also reminds me that I need to get back to chasing grids on the 2-meter band, ...
Ham Radio FAQs The ¼ Wave Droopy Ground Plane 2 Meter Antenna and a solar battery system to construct a cell rig that I’ve used to speak to folks around the globe — You’ll be able to check out the Radio Rig Here. Inside starting related to beginner radio stations, many hams hand...
SteppIR CrankIR + Sark-110 The SteppIR CrankIR is portable a vertical HF and 2 meter antenna, it’s lightweight, high performance,… Posted inHF TransceiverMobile Radio President Lincoln II + 10 and 12 metres mobile ham radio review ...
Ham Radio Prepper-March 2, 2020 Kenwood TM-281A Radio Review: Single-Band 2 Meter Radio Ham Radio Prepper-February 14, 2020 Yaesu FT-991A Review: Next Generation Compact HF Ham Radio Ham Radio Prepper-February 14, 2020 Yaesu VX-6R Review: A Handheld Tri-Band Ham Radio ...
It authorizes you ALL ham radio privileges above 30 Megahertz (MHz). 1500 watts of power and these privileges include the very popular 2-meter band. Many Technician licensees enjoy using small 2-meter hand-held radios to stay in touch with other hams in their area or operating from just abo...
Ham radio operators have several different frequency bands set aside for their use. These bands range from just above the AM broadcast band (the AM band ends at 1700 kHz; the 160-meter ham band begins at 1800 kHz) through the shortwave band and into the VHF, UHF, and microwave frequencies...