To change the default solar system banner from all plannets to just the inner planets, add ?image=inner to the end of the php url (example ). I added a randomize function for the solar image banners, that will randomly choose one of ...
An ARRL affiliated association of licensed ham radio operators who share an interest in Recreational Vehicles (RV enthusiasts). This site has information about our club and rv rallies, ham radio nets, Hamfests, campgrounds, and history of the RV Radio Ne
James pitched guardSpencer Dinwiddieon signing with the Lakers after being bought out of his contract with theBrooklyn Nets. Dinwiddie told ESPN that James' appeal, perhaps even more than returning to play for his hometown team, was instrumental in his decision. Starting with the ...
but after awhile of me being a regular, Tennessee was no longer that needed. Working the close-in stations on 75M phone was relatively easy, even for a modest station running barefoot, but stations in the Northeast and Northwest were a bit elusive given 75M propagation and the distances in...
which includes most of western and southern Maine and the entire state of New Hampshire, the task of covering it for SKYWARN is challenging. The only way we can effectively cover all of it is to lean on the support of local nets spread out across the entire area. That’s where the Off...
“To memorialize the brave bull who did everything in his power to escape slaughter only to be shot and killed near Lake Nippenicket this week, PETA plans to place a billboard in his honor along I-495 urging everyone, ‘Help Others Escape the Slaughterhouse: Please, Go Vegan,’” the ...
European Swimming Championships, champion Natalia Kusnetsova during her jump August 25, 1966 Hebt u meer informatie over deze foto, laat het ons weten.Laat een reactie achter (als u ingelogd bent bij Flickr) of stuur een mailtje naar: ...
My trusty Icom IC-V8 continues to get regular use to this day for checking into local 2-meter nets. It wouldn’t be long before I upgraded to my General Class license a few months later earning me HF privileges that would allow me to work other hams around the world on the shortwave ...
Always keep in mind to check into as many nets as you can. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Have a great rest of the week ahead. 73 N8RGO. The HamSphere Late Night DX-gang Clubstation 16HC16 was active in the original radio room of the old Belgian school ship Mercator ...
Mediterranean Nets TimeAreaFrequenciesChan No 0800-0900Local Aegean informal4417 kHz– 0500ZGreek/Turkey informal6224 kHz6A 0645ZGreek/Turkey informal12353 kHz12A MARITIME NETS– On Amateur Radio Frequencies (unless you are a licenced radio amateur – you are not permitted to transmit -Except in ...