This is a home page of forum. Here you will find all information related to amateur and professional radiosport and dxing.
Ham Amateur Radio Repairs, I provide honest, reliable, and affordable amateur ham radio repairs. I repair vintage tube and solid-state transmitters, receivers, transceivers, linear amplifiers, and accessories.
TheHAM RADIO HUTis the source for finding new or used amateur radio equipment, parts, accessories, books and more! Browse our site for listings of the latest handheld, mobile, or base transceivers in addition to amplifiers, power supplies, antennas, and publications from popular brands like ICOM...
Ham radio antenna, transceivers, coax cable & other amateur radio gear. DXE carries top ham radio brands including Yaesu, Kenwood, ICOM, MFJ, Butternut & more.
(GMDSS), Annex 5 and IMO Assembly on Radio Maintenance Guidelines for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System related to Sea Areas A3 and A4. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: radio system theory, amplifiers, power sources, troubleshooting, digital theory, and ...
(GMDSS), Annex 5 and IMO Assembly on Radio Maintenance Guidelines for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System related to Sea Areas A3 and A4. The exam consists of questions from the following categories: radio system theory, amplifiers, power sources, troubleshooting, digital theory, and ...
Amplifiers Antennas ATV Cartoons CB Radios Collins Components Computers Drake Heathkit Icom Kenwood Keys Logos MFJ Microphones Military Packet Radio Pictures Radios Radio Shack Satellites Scanners Schematics Scouting SGC Standard Swan Symbols Ten Tec
Downeast Microwave linear amplifiers can also be added to our TX33-.1s 33cm and TX23-.1s 23cm band transmitters. Over the years we have gone back and forth between having available a transceiver or a transmitter that would pair up with a downconverter. The demand has always been about 50...
SPE Expert 1.3K-FA, 1.5K-FA and 2K-FA amplifiers Yaesu FT-857 and FT-897 Yaesu FTDX101D/MP, FTDX5000, FTDX1200, FT-450, and FT-950 SteppIR Antennas (Both original and SDA-100 controllers) HyGain Rotor controllers using the Idiom Press Rotor-EZ interface ...
PMR446Private Mobile Radio, 446 MHz By type Antennas Antenna tuners Audio Signal Processors Coder / decoders Converters Exciters Keyer / CW-keyboards Linear Amplifiers Others Power Supplies Q Multipliers Receivers Repeaters RF Meters RoIP routers ...