Define Halysites. Halysites synonyms, Halysites pronunciation, Halysites translation, English dictionary definition of Halysites. n. 1. A genus of Silurian fossil corals; the chain corals. See Chain coral, under Chain. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictio
The meaning of HALYSITES is a genus consisting of the chain corals.
1) Halysites 链珊瑚属 2) a necklace made of coral 珊瑚项链. 3) Acanthopullum 针珊瑚属 4) Acervularia 堆珊瑚属 5) Antheria 花珊瑚属 6) Aphrophyllum 泡珊瑚属 补充资料:石珊瑚 石珊瑚 Scleractinia 六放珊瑚亚纲石珊瑚目的通称。在生态上:一类分布在热带浅海区,以群体为主,与单细胞双鞭毛藻共生...
Halysites ham Hama Hamadan hamadryad hamadryas Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024Browse # aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz ...
The taxonomy of the tabulate coral genera Halysites and Cystihalysites of the order Halysitida from the Silurian of Gotland is revised. Catenipora crassa Stasinska, 1967 and Halysites crassus Stasinska, 1974, are considered to be junior synonyms of Halysites senior Klaamann, 1961. The ...
On the zoological affinities of Halysitesdoi:10.1080/00222938109459845A.E.VerrillTaylor And FrancisAnnals & Magazine of Natural History
Halysites miyazakiensis sp. nov. is described from the Ludlow (early Late Silurian) G3 Member of the Gionyama Formation in the Kuraoka area, Miyazaki Prefecture, southern Japan. The new species can be separate from comparable species, such as H. catenularius ...
New location of the known corals genera (Favosites Lamarck, 1816 and Halysites Fischer von Waldheim, 1828) in the Mineral Raw Materials Mine in Mielenko Drawskie, West Pomeranian Province, PolandBorowski, TomaszWorld News of Natural Sciences (WNOFNS)...
doi:10.1080/00222935408651789Thomas, H. DightonSmith, StanleyJournal of Natural HistoryThomas H.D. & S. Smith (1954) - The coral genus Halysites Fischer von Waldheim. Annals and Mag. Nat. His!. 7 ser. 12, p. 765-774.