JSC Halyk Bank, one of the largest universal commercial banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, launches the innovative branch transformation project in its branch network, leveraging advanced smart embosser solution from GRGBanking together with local s…
Halyk Bank(哈萨克斯坦人民银行)是哈萨克斯坦规模最大、历史最悠久的商业银行之一,业务涵盖零售银行、企业金融、保险、资产管理等多个
必应词典为您提供halyk-bank的释义,网络释义: 哈萨克斯坦国民储蓄银行;哈萨克斯坦人民银行;
About Halyk Bank Halyk Bank specializes in providing a range of financial services within the banking sector. The company offers various banking products including credit and debit cards, personal and mortgage loans, as well as savings and investment options for individuals and businesses. It was fou...
在当今全球金融格局下,对于有俄罗斯业务需求的企业和个人来说,找到一家可靠且对俄罗斯业务友好的银行至关重要。而哈萨克斯坦人民银行 Halyk Bank 正是这样的绝佳选择。作为跨境金融咨询的领航者,上海笛杨企业咨询有限公司(以下简称“笛杨咨询”)现推出哈萨克斯坦Halyk Bank的开户服务,为有俄罗斯业务需求的企业提供专业的...
A case in point is Kazakhstan's Halyk Bank. Boasting a history that dates back to 1923, Halyk is currently the largest commercial bank in the country, cementing its position by providing a wide range of financial products and services to both retail and corporate customers. With an extensive ...
在当今全球金融格局下,对于有俄罗斯业务需求的企业和个人来说,找到一家可靠且对俄罗斯业务友好的银行至关重要。而哈萨克斯坦人民银行 Halyk Bank 正是这样的,选择。作为跨境金融咨询的,者,上海笛杨企业咨询有限公司(以下简称“笛杨咨询”)现推出哈萨克斯坦Halyk Bank的开户服务,为有俄罗斯业务需求的企业提供专业的金融解...
英文名:Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan 俄文名:НародныйБанкКазахстана 旧称 哈萨克斯坦人民储蓄银行 哈萨克斯坦国民储蓄银行 旧名:Halyk Saving Bank of Kazakhstan和Savings Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan 历史沿革 1923年,在阿克纠宾斯克州(市)(Aktyubinsk),即现在的阿克托别(Aqt be)...
A case in point is Kazakhstan's Halyk Bank. Boasting a history that dates back to 1923, Halyk is currently the largest commercial bank in the country, cementing its position by providing a wide range of financial products and services to both retail and corporate customers. With an extensive ...
- 所属地区: - 累计融资次数: 0 电话: - 邮箱: - 官网: https://www.halykbank.kz 项目画像: 金融 Halyk Bank是哈萨克斯坦一家商业银行,为个人及企业用户提供财务管理、在线支付、订购电子VISA卡等服务,同时该家银行使用SSL证书,确保用户的交易安全。