The next halving is expected to occur in 2028, when the block reward will fall to 1.625 BTC. The first Bitcoin block reward was 50 bitcoin. There have been four halvings since 2009. These halving dates were: Nov. 28, 2012, to 25 bitcoins July 9, 2016, to 12.5 bitcoins May 11, 2020...
L’halving (dimezzamento) è un processo in cui la ricompensa data ai minatori o ai validatori in una rete dicriptovaluteviene ridotta della metà, dopo un certo numero di blocchi elaborati. È una caratteristica cruciale di diverse criptovalute, tra cui ilbitcoin(BTC). Cosa significa...
The fourth halving event occurred on the 20th of April, 2024 (UTC) at block height840,000 Past halving price performance It is always a debate on what Bitcoin will do in terms of pricing for a halving event. Some people believe that the halving is already priced in by the market and th...
The Wall Streetbankbelieves an upcoming upgrade could be one of the big events that will drive Ether’s price next year. “The main catalyst is the EIP-4844 upgrade or Protodanksharding, which is expected to take place during the first half of 2024,” said the JPMorg...
BTC-Spot Market Eyes Net Inflows After US CPI Report On Wednesday (April 10),BTCgained 1.58%. Partially reversing a 2.94% slide from Tuesday, BTC ended the session at $70,308. BTC-spot ETF market flow data for April 9 tested buyer demand for BTC before the US CPI Report. ...
OKLink BTC 減半專題提供 BTC 第四次減半日期和圖表,包括 BTC 價格及歷史變化,礦工收入, 算力和挖礦難度趨勢,BTC 鏈上交易數量分佈,熱門代幣列表等數據。
全球第二大投资银行高盛(Goldman Sachs)预测,美国联邦储备委员会可能在未来两年内降息两次,最早从 2024 年第三季度开始。 利率一般与投资者的风险偏好密切相关。据路透社12月11日报道,高盛预测美联储将于2024年12月进行首次降息,但由于想要消解通胀,这一预测目前已提前至2024年第三季度。