词条Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt在德语 » 英语中的译文 (跳至英语 » 德语) Hals-Na·sen-Oh·ren-Arzt(-ärz·tin)<-es, -Ärzte; -, -nen>名词m(f) Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt(-ärz·tin) ear,noseandthroatspecialist PONS词典中的例句(已经编辑处理) ...
The web server with the IP-address used by Hals-nasen-ohrenarzt.de is run by Strato AG and is located in Germany. There are many websites run by this web server. The operator uses this server for many hosting clients. In total there are at least 1759 websites on this ...
Das Romano-Ward-Syndrom — seine Bedeutung für den Hals-Nasen-OhrenarztAt the start of two operations (tracheotomy, total parotidectomy), we had in both cases a sudden cardiac disorder out of a Romano-Ward-syndrome. Characteristic to the syndrome is a hereditary prolongation of the QT-...
Begutachtungsfragen für den Ohren-Nasen-Halsarzt, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Versicherungsverhltnisse in der Schweizdoi:10.1159/000385297Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,...