3.9 Earth, The Ark, And The Flood's Defeat3.10 Aftermath4 Biology 4.1 Neurological 4.2 Physiological 4.3 Countermeasures 4.4 Developmental Stages 4.5 Flood Forms5 Combat Behavior6 Notable Victims7 Tactics 7.1 Halo: Combat Evolved 7.2 Halo 2 7.3 Halo 3 7.4 Halo Wars 7.5 Halo: Spartan Assault...
Maybe you want to spice up your PvP matches with some AI units—you can make it so capturing a neutral zone spawns two Hunters who will fight by your side. You can play the role of aHalo Warsleader and direct your friendly AI units using the Player Mark command. You can create Tower ...
Awakening the Nightmare is an entirely new chapter in the Halo Wars universe. Following the events of Halo Wars 2, now you can play as the legendary Banished and lead Pavium and Voridus in a fight for survival against an ancient enemy – the Flood. This Expansion includes a new single p...
Maethrillian is a Halo Wars 2 overhaul mod featuring unit, hero, and gameplay changes, plus 2 new leaders: the Flood and Major Vaughan. The mod aims to promote diverse gameplay, attempts to balance game mechanics/interactions, and adds armory-based leader power upgrades and improved leader powe...
2【游戏】《光环战争 / 星环战役》Halo Wars 3【游戏】《光环 3:地狱伞兵 / 最后一战 3:ODST》Halo 3: ODST 4【小说】《光环:丰饶星接触》HALO: Contact Harvest 5【小说】《光环:科尔协议》HALO: The Cole Protocol 6【小说】《光环:致远星的沦陷》HALO: The Fall of Reach ...
目前Halo游戏主线游戏出了5代横跨了三代微软主机,本篇主要聊书里覆盖的游戏,Halo1, Halo2, Halo3,Halo Reach和Halo ODST。Halo Wars,小说,电影,漫画均不计算在内,不然整个故事估计能讲一本书。 Halo 国内官方翻译为光环,早期科幻世界引入过小说三部曲翻译的时候叫光晕,这三本书让习惯了游戏里称呼的我一直无法...
The Complete Edition also includes Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare, the new expansion that allows you to play as Atriox’s Banished forces in a fight against the awakened Flood. You’ll get two new Banished leaders as well as the new co-op tower defense mode Terminus Firefight. In ...
具有重大历史意义的冲突包括:木卫战役(Jovian Moons Campaign)、雨林争霸(The Rain Forest Wars)和一系列的火星遭遇战。 2160 三月-六月:木卫战役开始 木星分裂主义者袭击了位于木卫一爱莪(Io)的联合国殖民地总署(United Nations Colonial Advisors),导致了地球军与木星“福里登”部队之间展开了长达三个月的激战。
Halo 3 comes to PC as the next installment in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Now optimized for PC, witness the Master Chief’s return to finish the fight between the Covenant, the Flood, and the entire Human race in this dramatic, pulse-pounding conclusion of the original Halo trilogy...
Halo Wars: Definitive Edition (2016, Xbox One & Windows 10) Cancelled Games Halo DS Halo: Chronicles Titan Halo Online Project Haggar Literature Blue Team Novels The Fall of Reach (2001) First Strike (2003) Ghosts of Onyx (2006) Last Light (2015) Retribution (2017) Si...