Emile的发售日期为8月30日。 3A TOYS近期宣布,将于8月下旬发售《Halo》光晕系列合作款的第三件作品Emile。 此次发售的Emile是《Halo: Reach》中的角色,因头盔上有个显眼的骷髅图案,国内玩家昵称其“骷髅哥”。骷髅哥Emile是个斯巴达3型突击队员,隶属Noble小队,是个硬汉型人物,战力极强,可以单挑妖姬号。但话比较...
Emile-A239 was a SPARTAN-III commando of the UNSC Special Warfare Command, attached to Special Warfare Group Three. He fought as a part of Noble Team with the call sign Noble Four during the Fall of Reach in 2552 if you want more models join the halo archive, the best place for Non ...
名字:埃米尔 Emile 军衔:二级准尉 WO / Warrant Officer 服役编号:S-239 S-239 作战单位:特种作战部 / 第3组 / 贵族小队(SPECWAR / Group Three / NOBLE)军职类别:18B性别:男出生日期:2523年3月11日出生地:波江座2号星,卢克索(Luxor, Eridanus II)身高:210.5 厘米体重:111.1 公斤行动表现他为同侪所尊重;...
Emile is slain by Elite Zealots, and Six kills them and the Field Marshal and opts to remain on Reach and take Emile's place at the gun while the Autumn escapes. The game depicts the opening scene of Halo: Combat Evolved, in which Cortana discovers Installation 04, followed by the ...
I'm ready! How 'bout you?!(我准备好了!你呢?)—— Emile-A239 牺牲前最后的话 内容物7:致远星的沦陷主题海报 说是说海报,其实就是一张卷起来的纸…… 正面是 Halo Reach 的设定插画 反面是宝箱内容物介绍,还有一个兑换码 开箱感想:懂的入 ...
Halo: Reach is a first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360 console. Reach takes place in a futuristic science fiction setting; the year is 2552, shortly before the events of the video game Halo: Combat Evolved, and during ...
Halo: Reach: Directed by Marcus Lehto. With Freddy Bosche, Alona Tal, Jamie Hector, Hakeem Kae-Kazim. A highly-trained branch of the UNSC known as the Noble Team must defend the planet of Reach from a massive Covenant invasion.
悬崖前,先清除怪物,再向下移动。优先解决普通精英,最后高级精英。燃料炮与斯巴达镭射枪分配使用。鬼面兽与精英组合,耐心应对,使用分身与喷子。最后,组织安排使用EMILE留下的大炮,注意优先攻击顺序。章节五:成就与武器 优雅的武器:使用神射手步枪击杀10名敌人。最爱 .45 手枪:使用M6G手枪击杀10名...
Gears 5 Halo Reach 套件已经修复【转发】@Yexiaobo:#gears 5# 昨天开始全球范围开放Ultimate版和XGPU资格游玩中,不少玩家发现缺少Halo中的Kat,Emile角色可选,另外30天游戏内加速器(加成)也只显示13/12天。...