Halo 2: Anniversary 將成為 Halo: The Master Chief Collection 下一款登陸 PC 的遊戲。在環帶被毀滅之後,士官長返回地球,以防止星盟的入侵。被長久埋藏的眾多秘密將在這場戰爭中重新出土,將對人類與星盟衝突的歷史進程造成戲劇化的永久影響。 ¥ 73.00 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary 2019 年 12 月 3 ...
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It took quite a while for the issues to be figured out but Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MCC) now has improved Steam Deck support. This should also mean it works better on desktop Linux too. While the game did somewhat work for a while, you weren't able to play fully online wit...
#Steam# 《Halo: The Master Chief Collection 光环:士官长合集》新史低75R-35%;合集包含光环致远星、战斗进化 周年纪念版、2:周年版、3、3:ODST以及4。现已全部于#Steam# 平台更新完毕[中国赞] http://t.cn/...
Halo: The ..今天刚买了Halo: The Master Chief Collection合集但是里面只有菜单栏的声音,没有背景音效果音和对话,安静得吓人
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 1 steam 商品规格 标准版 支付方式 微信 支付宝 ¥269.00 HK$287.01¥269.00 数量: 点击立即购买代表您已同意《购买协议》 版本介绍 【标准版】=光环:士官长合集 国区激活码 ⒈Steam左下角点击:添加游戏>>在Steam上激活产品 ...
此平台上的成就: Steam 开始使用 ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载无限生命, 无限护盾 & 其他6 项修改 for Halo 4: The Master Chief Collection with WeMod 700 项成就 占所有玩家的 % 旅途的开始 已完成一次战役任务或一次多人游戏比赛。 90% 刚刚开始 已击杀 100 名敌人或玩家。
In today’s Steam update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the game now supports online play for Steam Deck users. Previously, because Linux support (the kernel that SteamOS runs on) for MCC’s anti-cheat is fairly limited, Steam Deck players (and Linux players in general) were...
Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Microsoft Flight Sim might come to PS5 and Switch 2 Your funny Steam reviews might be in trouble Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection contains first 2 Metal Gear games, Konami confirms Halo Infinite medals guide: All multiplayer medals and how to earn them...
After a recent update Halo: The Master Chief Collection seems to have broken online play support for Steam Deck due to Easy Anti-Cheat. If you remember, back in April they didannounceSteam Deck support for online play and put up asupport articlefor it. This came with a few minor ...