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名称:Halo: The Master Chief Collection 类型:动作 开发商:343 Industries,Splash Damage,Ruffian Games,Bungie,Saber Interactive,Certain Affinity 发行商:Xbox Game Studios,Xbox Games Studios 系列:Halo 发行日期:2019 年 12 月 3 日 语言:英语, 法语, 意大利语, 德语, 西班牙语 - 西班牙 ...
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 1 steam 商品规格 标准版 支付方式 微信 支付宝 ¥269.00 HK$287.01¥269.00 数量: 点击立即购买代表您已同意《购买协议》 版本介绍 【标准版】=光环:士官长合集 国区激活码 ⒈Steam左下角点击:添加游戏>>在Steam上激活产品 ...
#Steam# 《Halo: The Master Chief Collection 光环:士官长合集》新史低75R-35%;合集包含光环致远星、战斗进化 周年纪念版、2:周年版、3、3:ODST以及4。现已全部于#Steam# 平台更新完毕[中国赞] http://t.cn/...
It took quite a while for the issues to be figured out but Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MCC) now has improved Steam Deck support. This should also mean it works better on desktop Linux too. While the game did somewhat work for a while, you weren't able to play fully online wit...
ACCESSIBILITY Halo: The Master Chief Collection brings a variety of features across both PC and Console which provide an accessible experience for multiple users in our universe. Subtitles There are three settings for subtitles which users can choose
一方面有种失落感 另一方面又觉得有更多人能够接触这款游戏而感到高兴 emm
In today’s Steam update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the game now supports online play for Steam Deck users. Previously, because Linux support (the kernel that SteamOS runs on) for MCC’s anti-cheat is fairly limited, Steam Deck players (and Linux players in general) were...
此平台上的成就: Steam 开始使用 ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载无限生命, 无限护盾 & 其他6 项修改 for Halo 4: The Master Chief Collection with WeMod 700 项成就 占所有玩家的 % 旅途的开始 已完成一次战役任务或一次多人游戏比赛。 90% 刚刚开始 已击杀 100 名敌人或玩家。
After a recent update Halo: The Master Chief Collection seems to have broken online play support for Steam Deck due to Easy Anti-Cheat. If you remember, back in April they didannounceSteam Deck support for online play and put up asupport articlefor it. This came with a few minor ...