Šest her, jedna velkolepá sága. Celý příběh Master Chiefa spojený do jedné integrované kolekce optimalizované pro PC a Xbox Series X|S.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Modules complémentaires inclusHalo - REACHHalo 3: ODSTACCÉDEZ AU JEU Inclus dans Halo: The Master Chief Collection CHF 44.00+ Extensions pour ce jeu Halo - REACH CHF 11.00 Halo 3: ODST CHF 5.50 Les utilisateurs aiment également Afficher tout Halo 5: ...
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This topic appears in the TV series. For information about the game version, see John-117. Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, more commonly known as, Master Chief, is a member of the UNSC's Spartan program. He is also a member of FLEETCOM, the Asymmetr
光环:士官长合集 Halo: The Master Chief Collection豆瓣评分:9.2 简介:《光环:士官长合集》(英语:Halo: The Master Chief Collection)是一部由343 Industries领衔开发并由微软工作室发行在Xbox One主机平台的《最后一战》系列合集作品。本作包含了系列第一作《最后
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N/A Halo: The Master Chief Collection 好评原声音轨, 第一人称射击, 经典, 多人 ¥ 73.00 Halo: Reach 动作, 第一人称射击, 好评原声音轨, 多人 ¥ 73.00 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary 动作, 好评原声音轨, 经典, 第一人称射击 ¥ 73.00 ...
Halo: Created by Steven Kane, Kyle Killen. With Pablo Schreiber, Shabana Azmi, Natasha Culzac, Olive Gray. With the galaxy on the brink of destruction, Master Chief John-117 leads his team of Spartans against the alien threat known as the Covenant.