Halo Legends is an anime anthology series in a similar vein to "Animatrix" and "Batman: Gotham Knight". It consists of 8(but actually 7 since two of them are just parts 1 and 2 of the same story) short animated stories that explores areas of the rich Halo game universe which were pre...
【《光晕:传奇》(H..【内容介绍】 「Halo Legends」原本是Xbox360上开发设计的一款射击类游戏,曾经在游戏界引起轩然大波的高人气作品「Halo」系列,在历经了无数人赏识与夸耀之后终于被改编成了动画电影。这部
Campaña:Con Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST Campaign y Halo 4, The Master Chief Collection ofrece a los jugadores su propio y emocionante viaje a través de la épica saga. Comenzando con la increíble valentía de Noble Six en ...
游戏玩家控制的角色,便是人类“超级战士”计划的成功作品:士官长(Master Chief)。他有着比普通人类突击队员更强的作战和生存能力,并拥有更厚的护甲和能量护盾。士官长在“光晕”上开始与星盟的外星生物和被称作Flood的寄生生物展开战斗。 《光晕战争》则是光晕系列的前传,讲述了殖民船“火之精神”(Spirit of Fire...
Part of the Gaming Legends series, The Master Chief set is available in the Item Shop starting December 10 at 7 PM ET. “Chief” among this set is the Master Chief Outfit: suit up in the Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor and become a Spartan-II. ...
1000toys《最後一戰》士官長 1/12 可動立體化人形(HALO 1/12 RE:EDIT Master Chief MJOLNIR Mark V アクションフィギュア) 【NYTF 2020】Hasbro《金剛戰士》可動人偶&獸奏劍、更多漫威傳奇 (Marvel Legends) 系列可動人偶新作發表! 日本的玩具品牌「1000toys」宣布,旗下的「最後一戰」《HALO》系列玩具之首款...
斯巴达战士 你们的任务是混入并夺回敌方阵地 Spartans, it's yourjob to infiltrate enemy space and retrieve it. 任务视窗:十分钟 Mission window: 10 minutes. 目标装有定位讯标... The target is equipped with a location beacon... 但你需要靠近才能读取 but you'll have to get close to read it. ...
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Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness(2011) Mark Weiler ILB: Jason (voice) (uncredited) Terminator: Dark Fate(2019) Edmund Wyson ILB: Joe (voice) (uncredited) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(2000) Rick Zieff ILB: Major (voice) (uncredited) ...