Communication is key in multiplayer when wanting to win matches tactically and with ease; the ‘mark system’ allows players to do this effectively and not only will it be shown on screen, it will also be shown in the log/killfeed at the side of the screen when something has been marked...
As a kid, I would park myself in front of the TV to play games, usually close enough that I could reach out and put my grubby hands on the screen. My father, probably frustrated that he couldn‘t watch TV for dads, like extreme professional lawn mowing tournaments or something, always...
While it will undoubtedly take a little longer for Halo to reach the big screen, we are confident that the final feature film will be well worth the wait. This really depresses me. When I was in New Zealand I spent some time looking at Weta's artwork and maquette work for HALO. At...
During one of the later missions inHalo Infinite, while shutting down several beacons, you can go off the beaten path of one beacon, grappling through some tricky and narrow caves, to a hidden cavern. Inside, someone has made a nice little gaming setup for themselves. Lit with green glow ...
Sounds like scaling isn’t a meme— THE RED DRAGON 🔺 (@TWTHEREDDRAGON) August 23, 2020 When Microsoft first announced that their next-gen titles would support Xbox One for several years, many worried about a scenario that seems to be playing out in ...