In education, the Halo Effect can lead to biased grading and evaluation of students. For instance, teachers may give attractive or well-behaved students higher grades, even if their academic performance does not warrant it. This bias can lead to unfair advantages for some students and disadvantage...
Communications 102: Interpersonal Communication 16 chapters | 124 lessons | 12 flashcard sets Ch 1. Overview of Interpersonal... Ch 2. The Impact of Culture on Interpersonal... Ch 3. Perception & Self-Awareness in Interpersonal... Relationship Between Self-Concept, Self-Esteem & Communication...
From the definition, we can conclude that the halo effect is probably not a scientific and objective judgment. Even will the representationism replace the naturalism. But sometimes it does help to interpersonal communication. For instance, one is honest and humble but of limited ability. However ...