《HALO》词典(一)中英对照 1〉小说《致远星的沦陷TheFallofReach》?(游戏《HALO1》之前传) 〈2〉小说《洪魔TheFlood》?(游戏《HALO1》之同步故事) 〈3〉小说《初次反击FirstStrick》?(游戏《halo1》与《HALO2》之间故事) 地名 LambdaSerpentisSystem长蛇座λ星系 ArchimedesSensorOutpost阿基米德空间侦察...
30:34 Haloce演示:sand-of-worriors(2) 上传者:huiyao117 23:58 HaloceSP演示:the flood 上传者:huiyao117 55:11 Haloce网战解说:夺旗 团队杀戮 上传者:huiyao117 15:03 haloce演示:空中打击 上传者:huiyao117 03:18 Halo纪念montage(片头) 上传者:huiyao117 31:11 HaloCE网战解说 夺旗 上传者:huiyao...
Halo CE在2001年伴随着XBOX一代主机发售,是XBOX主机上第一部的FPS游戏,看得出来微软也把这个游戏当成3A大作来看待,不仅有中文的字幕,甚至连配音也中文化了。 Halo CE 对于中国玩家来讲,是第一个全中文配音的XBOX游戏。是第一个让世界玩家都知道原来主机上也可以完美的玩FPS游戏,也是带我入坑XBOX的游戏(可惜了我...
haloce的任务版其实就是单人有剧情,置顶贴有仿h3里枪的h1剧情,适合无盒党,但是玩玩就腻了the flood那几张剧情不错,楼下可以下下看地址都在吧规置顶贴精品贴也有很多楼主可以自己找找 在下载终端那里 收起回复 冷酷之盾: 要绑定手机啊 2012-8-6 07:24 回复 氧化钙_51元素: 回复@冷酷之盾 :有些老人绑...
Flood Combat Forms do not "feign death" anymore. Flood Combat Forms can board the players vehicle, and then will proceed to melee the player. Infection Forms appear less textured and detailed than in Halo: CE.Changes from Halo 2 to Halo 3Jira...
We are bringing the CE Mark V armor kit toHalo Infiniteahead ofHaloCE’s upcoming birthday. The Master Chief’s iconic Mjolnir Mark V armor fromHalo: CEhas been lovingly and authentically recreated as an Armor Kit inHalo Infinite, you can find it in shop on November 7. This offer comes...
Play with your fellow Spartans online for the very first time. Image via Bungie Release date:Nov. 9, 2004 Developer:Bungie Platforms:Xbox and Windows PC Following the success ofHalo: CE,Halo 2expanded upon the conflict between the UNSC, the Covenant, and the Flood. This was also the first...
Updated Armor Coating Newly Supported Armor Cores and/or Armor Kits Wintermint Green Boggart, Wendigo, Rusalka, Transgressor, Infinite Mark VI, CE Mark V Black Sands Boggart, Wendigo Blood Jumper Boggart, Wendigo, Rusalka, Transgressor, Infinite Mark VI Cinder Ring Boggart, Wendigo Cooling...
As part of the “Scavenger Hunt” system we introduced toHalo 3andHalo 3: ODST, the golden moa statues hidden throughout campaign missions have come toHalo: CEandHalo 4. Each week, a different subset of these collectibles are enabled—you can check the Challenge Hub to see which missions ...