On the other hand, the unique molecular structure of Me-PGP, holding a terminal methyl group instead of a hydroxyl unit, may allow this molecule to extend even further into the media, thus acting as a molecular antenna that particularly binds divalent cations (Fig. 9). We thus suggest that...
Black body radiation and chemiluminescence probably provide the light for photoautotrophic growth in the latter case. In these two low-light environments, a single bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecule absorbs only four photons per day! Chlorosomes, the largest known photosynthetic antenna structures, are...
Salinixanthin acts as a light antenna that transfers energy to the retinol group of xanthorhodopsin, which is a proton pump like bacteriorhodopsin (Gunde-Cimerman et al., 2018). This pigment can also be used as a biomarker and several studies have shown that the presence of salinixanthin can...
How nature designs light-harvesting antenna systems: Design principles and functional realization in chlorophototrophic prokaryotes 2018, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Light harvesting in phototrophic bacteria: Structure and function 2017, Biochemical Journal Light-dependent chloro...