Mark VI MOD是雷神之锤Mark VI的一款变体,由科塔娜于UNSC航向黎明号漂泊时期为士官长修改而来。它的GEN2世代升级版由ONI分水岭设计局制造。 GEN1 GEN2 GEN1 设计细节 Mark VI MOD与早期的Mark IV护甲非常相似。这套护甲的固件进行了修改,改变了HUD并优化了与星盟护甲插件的兼容性。Mark VI MOD还拥有一部内置的...
Officer Cortana replaces the survivor ROCHELLE. Removed Zoey's voice. The Master Chief finally did it. He revived Cortana as a Human Being! After years and years of research, and using what ever the Librarian left him, he was able to salvage whatever was left in Cortana's chip to recreat...
Mod tools are now available for Halo 2: Anniversary and Halo 4. To download these mod tools on Steam, set your Library filter to include "Tools" then locate the “Halo 2: Anniversary Mod Tools - MCC” and “Halo 4 Mod Tools - MCC" listings. To learn more about the ...
科塔娜(cortana)是《光环》游戏中的主要角色,与主人公士官长的关系密切。她是 UNSC 最优良的人工智能,以斯巴达二的负责人-哈尔西.凯瑟琳博士为模板制造。曾被安置于秋风之墩巡洋舰上。《光环》系列中一直跟随在士官长身边的AI,平时以女性形象显示,始终对士官长不离不弃。陪伴着士官长出生入死,经历各种险境。在《光...
一脸懵逼的士官长和互相争执的Cortana和引导者 击败引导着后,Cortana根据在环带终端里得到的信息,打算通过坠毁的秋风之墩反应炉产生的爆炸来摧毁和破坏环带,使其无法使用。但是进入控制室需要舰长的授权,因此他们不得不去找再一次被俘虏的舰长。 士官长最终在被洪魔感染的星盟的战舰,,对,就是那艘曾经俘虏舰长的真理...
Halo 4 ushers in the return of mankind’s greatest hero, the Master Chief, in a newly envisioned, epic sci-fi adventure. Set nearly five years after the events of Halo 3, Halo 4 follows the Master Chief and his faithful artificial intelligence (AI) companion Cortana as they venture into ...
*IMPORTANT - UNINSTALL MY BATTLE RIFLE MOD, IT IS THE MAIN CULPRIT TO INFINITE LOADING*A Halo weapon pack for the submission of Compo 2023. Consist of UNSC, Covenant, and Brute weapons. Currentl
Download the mod Spartan IV Recruit (Halo 4) for Left 4 Dead 2. Custom Maps and Mods for Games.