Hallucination in Large Language Models (LLMs) entails the creation of factuallyerroneousinformation spanning a multitude of subjects. Given the extensive domain coverage of LLMs, their application extends across numerous scholarly and professional areas. These include, but are not limited to, academic ...
Inference:包括改进 解码策略,引入外部知识,借助 Uncertainty等方法 未来展望 Reliable evaluation Multi-lingual hallucination Multi-modal hallucination Model editing 等。具体细节参考原文。 不过,论文里给的 case,我用 chatgpt (3.5)试了一下,输出并没有那么多问题:...
we successfully mitigate hallucination by finetuning MiniGPT4 and mPLUG-Owl on LRV-Instruction while improving performance on several public datasets compared to state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, we observed that a balanced ratio of positive and negative instances...
比如GPT4,但是GPT4也存在着严重的幻觉问题,除非retrival-augment,但是检索回来的信息也有可能是错误 自我纠错方法真的有用吗? Deepmind发布的论文:LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS CANNOT SELF-CORRECT REASONING YET(大语言模型还不能在推理上自我纠错) 实验结果:让LLM(GPT-4和Llama-2)多次纠错后,准确率都下滑,次数越多,下...
In this paper, we propose Hallucination Evaluation based on Large Language Models (HaELM), an LLM-based hallucination evaluation framework. HaELM achieves an approximate 95% performance comparable to ChatGPT and has additional advantages including low cost, reproducibility, privacy preservation and local...
我使用了一个包含800行数据的数据集,并使用了GPT-3.5 turbo,因为该API具有较高的性价比。 用于评估大模型幻觉的其他基准测试: Knowledge-oriented LLM Assessment benchmark (KoLA)[8] TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Imitate Human Falsehoods[9] Med-HALT: Medical Domain Hallucination Test for Large Language...
Code for ACL 2024 paper "TruthX: Alleviating Hallucinations by Editing Large Language Models in Truthful Space" safety llama representation language-model mistral explainable-ai hallucination baichuan hallucinations gpt-4 truthfulness llm llms chatgpt chatglm llm-inference llama2 llama3 Updated Mar 26...
我使用了一个包含800行数据的数据集,并使用了GPT-3.5 turbo,因为该API具有较高的性价比。 用于评估大模型幻觉的其他基准测试: Knowledge-oriented LLM Assessment benchmark (KoLA)[8] TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Imitate Human Falsehoods[9] Med-HALT: Medical Domain Hallucination Test for Large Language...
LANGUAGE modelsARTIFICIAL intelligenceMEDICAL misconceptionsCHATGPTRURAL health clinicsHALLUCINATIONS (Artificial intelligence)The article discusses the challenge of hallucination in artificial intelligence-generated writing. It explains that hallucination occurs when AI systems produce content that is not factua...
对于每一个task,利用GPT4加上dense label信息(bounding box等等,VG数据集自带)生成question和answer pair,注意本文prompt GPT4 生成declarative and interrogative的question 为了防止生成的gt answer出现hallucination,filter所有长度超过30的answer 额外加入chart images,并利用human-annotated captions describing the constructi...