Home Depot is slowly starting to put out their Halloween merchandise for the 2021 season. One of the ones that immediately jumped out to me was the new Headless Horseman prop. If you haven’t seen the Headless Horseman yet, please check out the video below! Standing at 7.5 feet tall the...
Jack's owner recently purchased a new Halloween decoration from Home Depot. The life-size plastic black lab is decked out in bright white skeleton bones. A white mask circles its eyes.Home Depot photoIn the daylight, the decorative dog is a bit startling. It may be even worse at night wh...
Anne Bancroft was one of the most lauded actresses of her time. She took home an Oscar, two Tonys, two Golden Globes, an Emmy, a Lifetime Achievement Comedy Award, and a handful of other nominations. She is best known for her role as Annie Sullivan in "The Miracle Worker," and as t...