Myers has become one of the most recognizable masked killers in horror history, alongside villains like Ghostface in Scream, who was inspired by the real-life serial killer the "Gainesville Ripper," and Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, who was supposedly based on the "Butcher of Plai...
“This year’s haunt is based on a true story of when Gateway was a hotel back in the 1940s. Judge Michael Hawthorne sent some people off to death row that were actually innocent,” says haunt director Paul Allan. “The judge returned as a demonized Sandman and got inside people’s dre...
Here, Malcolm McDowell gets the worst of two worlds: he gets to handle an under-characterization with bad, bad, BAD dialogue AND a generally weak film to boot. The sequences with McDowell's version of Loomis are all completely clichéd - Zombie clearly writes his dialogue based on other ...
What Time Does Trick-or-Treating Officially Start? The Scary, Not Scary Animals of Halloween Trending Halloween Cocktails Recipes Coffin-Shaped Ice-Cream Sandwiches Get This Adorable Sweater Before Halloween 7 Adorable Halloween Crafts to Make with Young’uns ...
Based on the classic 1960s sitcom,The Addams Familybrews a mean mix of dark humor and dry wit that's just right for a pre-teen and up crowd. While their casually morbid behaviors might shock you, the family's idiosyncratic charm is what makes them oddly relatable and comforting.—James ...
Related:25 Terrifying Horror Movies Based on True Stories Watch It Now Hemlock Grove Photo Credit: Netflix The town of Hemlock Grove, Pennsylvania is haunted by the shadow of the steel mill that, after its closing, destroyed the town’s economy. Today, the town is a mix of the people who...
Meet Joe Black is a film loosely based on ‘Death Takes a Holiday’ (1934) where Death embodies the body of a handsome young man (Brad Pitt) and shadows Bill Parrish (Anthony Hopkins), a wealthy communications mogul, in exchange for allowing him to live through his 65th birthday. Bill ...
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later: Directed by Steve Miner. With Jamie Lee Curtis, Adam Arkin, Michelle Williams, Adam Hann-Byrd. Laurie Strode, now the dean of a Northern California private school with an assumed name, must battle the Shape one last time, a
A Tale Dark & Grimm- Based on the best-selling book series by Adam Gidwitz, the animated series follows Hansel and Gretel as they run away from home to find better parents...or at least ones who won’t chop off their heads! As Hansel and Gretel leave their own story and venture throu...
During the 76th World Science Fiction Convention in California in August, the film made its world debut, and received applause. Director Wen said the film is based on a true story which he once read on a news website, and he created the tale to examine the complexity of human beings. ...