Hallmark Entertainment Network brings together TV movies and miniseries produced by the nation's top movie talents. Whether you're looking for something cheerful or a happy-ending romance, Hallmark movies bring new twists to the seasonal stories of love and family. About one-third of Hallmark Chan...
Streaming in December 2023 - Hallmark Movies Now Spread the Christmas Cheer with new movies every week, including A Tale of Two Christmases, The Holiday Sitter, The Gift of Peace, exclusive movie premieres for An Ice Palace Romance, Rescuing Christmas, and watch an extended cut of A Holiday ...
Wolfe, who has written 24 movies for Hallmark, explains in the video that like her films, the NFL has been “full of twists and turns” and “moments of pure joy.” As she shares that there has also been “unexpected romance” for some players, the screen flashes to a momen...