The actors popped up in each other’s 2021 holiday movies as minor characters. Hynes played a waiter inMy Family Christmas Treewhere Walker played the lead, Kris. The fellow Canada native then returned the favor, appearing as a restaurant patron in Hynes’An Unexpected Christmas. Credit...
2023. The ski resort rom-com stars Ashley Newbrough, who you may know from "Saving Christmas Spirit," "Blue Moon Ball," or "A Merry Christmas Match," to name a few. It also features Stephen Huszar, known for "Christmas in Rockwell," "Undercover Holiday," and "Chesapeake Shores." This...
The Christmas House focuses on a family reuniting over the holiday season. Brandon and his husband Jake are hoping to adopt their first child, while Brandon's brother Mike realizes he might still have feelings for his high school sweetheart. Followed by the sequel The Christmas House 2: Deck ...
Ranking the family-friendliest TV movies, miniseries, and original programs that warm the cockles of your heart each and every season of the year. The Best Hallmark Channel Actors The Best Hallmark Channel TV Series, Ranked The 40+ Best Hallmark Christmas Movies Of All Time T...
A woman’s family failed to tell her that they are going away for the holidays (oops!), but she stays at their house anyway. She then meets a very persistent HOA board that wants her to join in the neighborhood’s Christmas festivities. ...
Favorite actors in Hallmark Christmas movies just might have to be the entire cast of One Tree Hill. Anyone else notice that? Well my all time favorite Hallmark actor is Tyler Hynes. I fell in love with him in Mistletoe Secret and then again in On the 12th Date of Christmas. Looking for...
Christmas in My Heart / My Christmas Family Tree (Hallmark Channel 2-Movie Collection) (DVD), Hallmark, Drama Add $19.71current price $19.71 $32.99Was $32.99 $151.62/lbChristmas in My Heart / My Christmas Family Tree (Hallmark Channel 2-Movie Collection) (DVD), Hallmark, Drama 164.7 out...
She meets Bryan (Buckley) on a dating app, and he agrees to spend the holiday with her and her family. As Jessie and Bryan engage in eccentric activities like the search for the Christmas tree star, gift wrapping contest and snowball fight, they start to develop real feelings for each ...
dream to work with. In an interview withInternational Business Times, Markle's costarKristoffer Polaharevealed that the actress would write him "cool little letters" during production. "She dropped some presents off for my wife and my kids right at Christmastime. She was a friend," he said....
My Christmas Family Tree When Vanessa receives the results from her Family Tree DNA test, she discovers a family she didn’t know existed and travels to their home for Christmas. Starring Aimee Teegarden, Andrew Walker, and James Tupper. ...